27 May 2016

Public seminar: Journalism’s role in a time of intensifying geopolitical conflict, by Prof. Brian McNair (7 June)

Journalism’s role in a time of intensifying geopolitical conflict and the future role of journalism after an era of exceptional transition Professor Brian McNair, Queensland University of Technology Tuesday 7 June 2016, 2 p.m. The […]
6 May 2016

Seminar: Who’s Got Your Back? Securing Trust and Agency in a World of Backdoors & Gatekeepers

Friday, 13 May 2016 – 12.45-4 p.m.11/F Cheng Yu Tung Tower, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong (Centennial Campus) In a world of insecure systems, data breaches and ubiquitous surveillance, digital defence is no longer the […]
6 May 2016

JMSC students use creative techniques to cover journalism conference

A team of JMSC students learned about logistical planning and creative editing while covering a high-profile journalism conference in Hong Kong. Journalists from leading news organisations spoke at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club on 23 April […]
26 April 2016

Investigating financial scandals requires patience, says 2016 Pulitzer Prize nominee

Investigating financial scandals isn’t always sexy and requires the patience to sift through mounds of financial disclosure documents, The Wall Street Journal’s Tom Wright has told JMSC students. Wright, Asia Economics Editor for the Journal, […]
18 April 2016

Combining art and functionality can produce powerful documentaries, explains controversial Chinese filmmaker

Documentary filmmaker Zhao Liang believes that all films, whether documentaries or feature films, should also be works of art. Zhao explained his approach of combining art with practical value—such as carrying a social message—during a […]
14 April 2016

JMSC data journalism MOOC launches with a global mix of participants

More than 3,800 people from over 100 countries have registered for the JMSC’s ‘Data Journalism Fundamentals’ massive open online course, which began on 4 April. Many of those taking the course, produced in partnership with […]