10 February 2017

Students experiment with innovative storytelling through digital projects

Traditional Chinese characters shown through interactive graphics. A walk through Hong Kong’s recent history using scannable barcodes. And bots publishing stories and replying to reader messages on Facebook. These were just a few of the […]
8 March 2016

Public seminar: Telling Stories Together: The risks and opportunities for journalism in the age of social media (17 March)

Social media serves as a space where the distinction between material from journalists and their audience is blended into constantly updating fluid streams of information. Every twist and turn of the news is described, discussed […]
8 February 2013

Video: Public Talk – Computer Science and Journalism

Jonathan Stray, the Overview Project lead for the Associated Press in New York and an alumnus of the JMSC’s Master of Journalism programme, discusses the increasing number of ways that computer science and journalism intersect. While the […]
1 February 2013

Feb 4: Talk – Computer Science and Journalism

The Journalism and Media Studies Centre invites you to a public talk: “Computer Science and Journalism: Two Great Tastes That Taste Great Together” by Jonathan Stray. Computer science and journalism are intersecting in surprising ways. Data […]
11 July 2011

July 16: MAP Course – Video For Reporters

In the digital age, reporters are increasingly asked to construct video and multimedia stories on top of their print work. How can one become an effective visual journalist while navigating this new workload? The course is open to anyone who has reporting experience but is a beginner in video reporting.