11 September 2017

JMSC lunchtime talks: Journalism in the Age of “Fake News”

12:30-1:30pm, 19 September 2017 (Tuesday) A Fulbrighter’s experience at the MIT Media Lab during the US presidential election Dr. King-wa Fu, Associate Professor After the 2016 United States presidential election and the “surprising” victory of President […]
6 May 2016

Seminar: Who’s Got Your Back? Securing Trust and Agency in a World of Backdoors & Gatekeepers

Friday, 13 May 2016 – 12.45-4 p.m.11/F Cheng Yu Tung Tower, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong (Centennial Campus) In a world of insecure systems, data breaches and ubiquitous surveillance, digital defence is no longer the […]
14 April 2016

JMSC data journalism MOOC launches with a global mix of participants

More than 3,800 people from over 100 countries have registered for the JMSC’s ‘Data Journalism Fundamentals’ massive open online course, which began on 4 April. Many of those taking the course, produced in partnership with […]
10 November 2015

Register now: MOOC on Infographics and Data Visualisation (with English subtitles)

Journalists and members of the public are invited to register for the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) ‘Introduction to Infographics and Data Visualization,’ conducted by Professor Alberto Cairo, Knight Chair in Visual Journalism at the […]
4 November 2014

Data Journalism Handbook is released in Chinese / 數據新聞手冊中文版發佈

A Chinese-language version of The Data Journalism Handbook, an open-access, crowd-sourced, online reference guide to the emerging field of data journalism, is now available online. 數據新聞手冊是一本自由開源、以眾籌模式完成的網上參考指南,向讀者介紹數據新聞這一新興領域。數據新聞手冊的中文版現已可以在網上閱讀。