20 September 2011

The Brains Behind the JMSC iOS App

Nathan Griffiths (MJ 2011) is the brains behind the new JMSC iOS app for iPads and iPhones. Griffiths saw an advert on the Nieman Journalism Lab about how they built their iPhone app and thought […]
13 July 2011

JMSC Students Run Major HKU Conference Coverage Live Online

Four JMSC Master of Journalism students ran the coverage of the Faculty of Education’s international Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference (CSCL), supplying live online coverage, streaming video and multi-media wraps of an event that drew participants from across […]
9 June 2011

JMSC Summer Internship Workshop

The JMSC will run two Summer Internship Workshops this July and August. The two-week long internship workshops are designed for first year Bachelor of Journalism students to fulfill the department pre-internship requirement. This is the […]