More than 3,800 people from over 100 countries have registered for the JMSC’s ‘Data Journalism Fundamentals’ massive open online course, which began on 4 April. Many of those taking the course, produced in partnership with […]
The JMSC is offering a five-week course on the fundamentals of data journalism starting 4 April, in partnership with the Google News Lab and top news organisations in Asia.
The JMSC has hosted the first ever Editors Lab hackday event in Asia, with five teams from mainland China amongst those who joined the competition to develop an innovative video journalism tool. Journalists and media […]
Compete in Hong Kong’s first Editors Lab on December 4th-5th Teams will compete at HKU to develop innovative video news prototypes Each team will consist of a journalist, a developer and a designer No preparation […]
Tony Yoo, an Australian who entered the Master of Journalism programme at the JMSC this year on a Data Journalism Scholarship funded by Google, is interning at The Myanmar Times in Yangon, Burma during the […]
Journalists with skills in digital technology and data analysis are in high demand, and going to become more valuable in the future, according to the Associated Press’s Global Interactive Editor. There is a growing trend in journalism toward […]
Google has funded three Data Journalism Scholarships for this year’s intake of Master of Journalism students at the JMSC. The scholars will devote the first semester to core courses in the MJ programme, and then concentrate on special […]
Google will fund two full-tuition scholarships for Master of Journalism candidates with solid computer technology backgrounds. The scholarships will provide support for the field of data journalism, one of the new areas of focus at […]