29 November 2018
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- 2015-2016
- About
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- BJ alumni stories
- BJ Curriculum
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- J-Focus Asia
- JMSC Events
- JMSC in the News
- JMSC News
- JMSC video
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- Media Law
- Misc
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- MJ alumni stories
- MPhil/PhD
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- Research at the JMSC
- Research Seminar
- Research Staff
- Scholarships & Funding
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- Startup Seminar
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- Teaching Supports
- Uncategorized
- Undergraduate
- Welcome to HKU Journalism
- _Extra Width Pages
- All
- #aajahk
- #MJadmissions
- 'Word (World) of Yours' Writing Competition
- 18th National Congress
- 1911
- 1918 Happy Valley Fire
- 1MDB
- 1st China International Micro-film Exhibition Hangzhou
- 21HK: What's in your water
- 21st century Statecraft
- 33 Graham Street
- 68th Cavalry
- A Celebration of Journalism
- AAJA-Asia
- ABC News
- ABC News on Campus
- ABC on Campus
- ABC's Radio National
- Abdul Matin Sarfraz
- Abdur Razzaque Khan
- Abul Fazl
- Abul Fazl Shrine
- Academy Award
- Academy Award for Documentary Short Subject
- academy award winner
- Academy Award-winning documentary filmmaker
- Academy Awards
- access to information
- Activism
- Adam Najberg
- Adbur Razzaque Khan
- Addiction
- Adi Ignatius
- Adjunct Professors
- adjuncts
- Administration
- Admissions
- Adobe
- Adrian Wong
- Advanced News Photography
- Advanced Online MAP
- Advanced Online Media Skills
- Afghanistan
- Africa
- AfricaNews
- Agence France-Presse
- Aghanistan
- Ai Weiwei
- Aidan White
- AIDS orphans
- Airelle Emmett
- AJ Libunao
- Al Jazeera
- Al Jazeera English
- Alan Parkhouse
- Albany Times Union
- Alberto Cairo
- Alec Ross
- Alejandro Reyes
- Alex Hofford
- Alex Pena
- Alexis Lai
- Alfred Hermida
- Alice Woodhouse
- Alice Zhang
- Alicia Garcia-Herrero
- Alison Hui
- Alison Hui Kar-yan
- Alison Klayman
- Alison Zhou Saiyu
- Almost Famous
- Alternative Medicine
- Alumnae
- alumni
- Amanda Shuai
- Amb. Rodolfo Severino
- America
- American Lawyer
- Ammara Ahmad
- Amnesty International Hong Kong
- Amy Ha
- An Inconvenient Truth
- Andras Bozoki
- Andrea Chen
- Andrea Fenn
- Andrea Yu
- Andrew Kenyon
- Andrew Lam
- Andrew Lau
- Andrew Lih
- Andrew Willis
- Andy Ho
- Angela Liu
- Angelina Draper
- Angharad Hampshire
- Angharad Law
- Angie Lau
- Angie Man
- Anhui Province
- Anjani Trivedi
- Ann Choy
- Ann Li
- Anna Fang
- Anna-Karin Ernstson Lampou
- Anne Kruger
- Anne Nelson
- Anne Renzenbrink
- Annenberg-Oxford Media Law Institute Scholarship
- annie lab
- Annie Woon
- Annie Zhang
- Anqi Du
- Anti-corruption protest
- anti-stalking law
- antiELAB
- Apple Daily
- Application
- apply
- Arab Spring
- Arizona State University
- Arnold Classic
- Arnold Zeitlin
- Art
- Art Basel
- Arts and Culture Journalism
- Arya's Chronicles
- Ashoka Foundation
- Asia
- Asia Digital Editor
- Asia news
- Asia Pacific Vision
- Asia Sentinel
- Asia Society
- Asia Television
- Asia Times Online
- Asian American Journalists Association
- Asian journalism
- Asian Media Information and Communication Annual Conference
- Asian Threads
- Asian Threads RTHK
- Asian Youth Orchestra
- Asian-American filmmakers
- Asis Society
- Assignment China
- Assignment China: The Week that Changed the World
- Associated Press
- Associated Press Television News
- Association of Asian Journalists
- Atlantic Media
- audio
- Aung San Suu Kyi
- Australia
- Austria
- author
- authoritarian rule
- Avatar
- Award
- awards
- Awards for Editorial Excellence
- Ayo Chan
- Ayurveda
- B92
- Baburam Bishwakarma
- Bachelor of Journalism
- Bachelor of Journalism Students
- Backpack Journalism
- Baidu
- Bangladesh
- Banking on a Long Shot
- Baptist University
- Barack Obama
- Barry Kalb
- Basic Photography
- Bay City News
- BBC News
- BBC Tv
- BBC World Service
- Becoming American Becoming Chinese
- Behavioral Change Communication During Outbreak Response
- Beijing
- Beijing Bureau Chief
- Beijing Film Academy
- Beijing World Art Museum
- Beijing: The City of Changes
- Benazir Bhutto
- Best of Journalism
- Bethany Matta
- Beyond Basic Photography
- Big Data
- Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live
- bilingual reporting TVB
- billion dollar whale
- Billy Wong
- Billy Wong Shing-keung
- Bishop University
- Biz Asia
- BJ
- BJ 2012
- BJ Students
- blog
- bloggers
- blogging
- blogs
- Blood of Yingzhou
- Bloomberg
- Bloomberg anchor
- Bloomberg internship
- Bloomberg News Beijing
- Bloomberg News Singapore
- Bloomberg TV
- Boao Forum For Asia
- Bohai Morning Post
- Boing Boing
- Boing Boing Video
- Bonham Wednesdays
- Book Launch
- book talk
- Books
- booksellers
- booktalks
- Breast Cancer
- Brian Carovillano
- Brian Zittel
- British Journalism
- broadcast
- broadcast journalism
- Bruce Shapiro
- Bryan Curtis
- Buddhist-Muslim violence
- budget press conference
- Bulgaria
- Burma
- Burma Project
- Burmese refugees
- Busan International Film Festival
- business
- Business and Finance Data Visualization
- business and finance journalism
- business and financial journalism
- Business Insider
- business journalism
- Business Line
- Buzzfeed
- buzzword
- C For Culture
- CAAMFest
- Caixin Media
- California Pacific Medical Center
- call for entries
- Cambodia
- Canace Lam
- Canada
- Canadian government
- Cancer
- Cancer: From Evolution to Revolution
- Canon
- Capital Magazine
- carbon footprint
- career advice
- Career Discovery in Communications
- career inception
- Career Talk
- Careers
- Carlos Douh
- Carlos Ghosn
- Carmen Ng
- Carol Cheung
- Carol Zhong
- Carol Zhou
- Carolyn Lee
- Carry Kalb
- Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Races 2010
- Catherine Chan
- Catholic Church
- CBC News Network
- CCTV Beijing
- Censorship
- censorship in china
- Centennial Campus
- Center for News Literacy
- Central European University
- Central Intelligence Agency
- Central Policy Unit
- Centre for Communicating Science
- Centre for Comparative and Public Law
- centre for enhancement of teaching and learning
- Centre for Investigative Journalism in Nepa;
- Centro
- Centro Digital Pictures
- Chan Kin Shing James
- Chan Pui-king
- Chang Ai Media Project
- Charlie Sennott
- Check
- Chen Li
- Chen Yifei
- Cheng Honglan
- Cheng Yizhong
- Cherry Yu Yichun
- Cheung Chi-fat
- Chevening Scholarship
- Chicago Innocence Project
- Chicago Sun-Times
- Chief Executive
- Chien Mi Wong
- Chiew Chung
- China
- China and the New Internet World
- China Censorship
- China Daily
- China documentaries
- China in Africa
- China in Africa Project
- China Media Project
- China Outlook
- China soft power
- china studies
- China Youth Daily
- China's Little Rock Star
- China's soft power
- China.org
- China: Portrait of a Country
- Chinese aid
- Chinese aid to Africa
- Chinese Americans
- Chinese Communist Party
- Chinese community of Prato
- Chinese Media
- Chinese music festivals
- Chinese New Year
- Chinese translation
- Chinese University
- Ching Cheong
- chingcheong
- Chloe Deng
- Chris Dobson
- Christina Caron
- Christine Chen
- Christine Kwok
- Christopher Cairns
- Christopher DeWolf
- Christy Choi
- Chu Hai College of Higher Education
- Chung-hong Chan
- Citizen Hong Kong
- citizen journalism
- Citizen Lab
- Citizenfour
- CitizenMap
- City University
- City University London
- civil society
- Cleo Chen
- Cliff Bale
- Clive Lee
- CNN en Espanol
- CNN International
- CNN Newswires
- CNN Operations Internship programme
- CNN Senior Asia Correspondent
- CNN Spanish
- CNN Travel
- CNN.com
- Code on Access to Information
- Cold War
- Colombia
- Columbia Journalism Review
- Columbia Journalism School
- columbia university
- com
- Commercial Radio
- Commerical Radio
- Common Core
- Communicating Infectious Disease Risk Conference
- Communication for Behavioral Impact
- Communist Party of China
- computational journalism
- computational science
- Computer science
- computer-aded journalism
- Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference
- conference
- Conference on Communicating Infectious Diseases
- Conference on Communicating Infectious Diseases in a Dangerous Decade
- Connected China
- Connecting Myanmar
- Connie Tse Cho Yi
- contempt of court issues
- content removal
- Continuing Education Fund
- copy
- copyright
- copyright law
- copyright reform
- Corey Ng
- Cornell University
- coronavirus
- Cosima Dannoritzer
- Councelling
- Country Driving: A Journey Through China from Farm to Factory
- course
- court communications
- Cover-It-Live
- Covering China
- CoveritLive
- COVID-19
- Creative Cloud
- Creative Commons
- Creative Commons Hong Kong
- cricket
- Cristobal Edwards
- Critical Thinking
- Crystal Fu
- Cui Anyong
- curriculum
- Cyber News Verification Lab
- cyberbalkanization
- Dafen
- Dai Bingran
- Daiichi nuclear power plant
- Dan Gillmor
- Dan Goodman
- Daniel C. Hallin
- Daniel Goodman
- Daniel Pordes
- Danny Gittings
- Darcy Christ
- Dart Cener Ochberg Fellowship
- Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma
- Dart Center Ochberg Fellowship
- Data
- data acquisition
- data analysis
- data journalism
- Data Journalism Fundamentals
- data journalism scholarship
- data privacy
- data visualisation
- databases
- Dateline
- David Bandurski
- David Barboza
- David Burdanski
- David Kaplan
- David Plott
- David Protess
- David Schlesinger
- David W. L. Cheung
- Davos
- Dean Head
- Debtwire
- debunking myths
- decryption
- Defamation Bill
- Deirdre Wang Morris
- Denmark
- Dennis Cadigan
- Department of History
- DePaul University
- Deputy Vice Chanellor
- Desiree Ren
- Dialogue with Filmmakers
- Diana Chan
- Diane Stormont
- Diane Wong
- Diaoyu
- Diego Laje
- digital
- Digital Age
- Digital Asia Hub
- Digital Editing
- digital entrepreneurship
- digital journalism
- Digital journalism principles and tools
- digital media
- Digital Media Entrepreneurship
- digital news
- Digital News Ventures Fund
- digitally native
- diplomacy
- diplomat
- Director of JMSC
- Discovery Channel
- Discovery Channel Magazine
- disinformation
- dissent
- diversity
- documentary
- Documentary Filmmaking
- documentary films
- Documentary Post-Production
- Documentary Production
- Documentary Studies
- Documentary Video Production
- DocumentCloud
- Domestic Helpers
- Domestic Worker Project
- Domestic Workers
- Doreen Weisenhaus
- Doug Meigs
- Doug Young
- Douglas Crets
- Dow Jones
- Dow Jones Newswires
- Dr Liang Hai
- Dr. Hai Liang
- Dr. Paul Gully
- Dr. Wong Chi Chung
- Drank University
- DreamCatchers
- Drew University
- Dymocks
- e-learning
- early childhood development
- Earth
- Ebola
- Echo Hui
- Echo Xu
- Economic Times
- Economist Intelligence Unit
- Ecumenical Institute
- Ecumenical Institute - the World Council of Churches
- Edelmen
- Editorial Cartooning
- editors lab
- Edmund Siu
- education
- Edward Snowden
- Edward Tsoi
- Edward Wong
- edX
- Egypt
- El Salvador
- El Savador
- El Telegrafo
- Elaine Kurtenbach
- Eldes Tran
- Eldres Tran
- eLearning
- Eliot Hall
- eliotHall
- Ellana Lee
- Ellen Cheng Oi Lun
- Ellen Cheung Oi Lun
- Elliott School of International Affairs
- Elmy Leung
- Elmy Lung
- Elte Ngan
- Emma Jia
- encryption
- Engadget
- English Defamation Law
- English Writing and Reporting
- English-Language news
- entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship Workshop
- environment
- Environmental
- Environmental Communication
- environmental crisis
- Environmental Film Nights
- environmental journalism
- environmental photojournalism
- environmental technology
- epidemics
- Eric Cheung
- Esperanza
- Esther Yu
- Ethan Zuckerman
- ethical
- Ethical Journalism
- ethics
- Ethics. Coalition for Ethical Journalism
- Ethnic Media
- European Centre for Disease Control
- European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
- European Health Forum
- European Journalism Centre
- European Politics
- European Pressphoto Agency
- European public sphere
- Eva Tam
- Evelyn Ho
- Everest Weekly
- Everold N. Hosein
- Evolution of Media Policy and Political Pluralism of Media in China
- extradition bill
- factchecking
- faculty
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Medicine
- fake news
- Fan Di
- Far East Film Festival
- Feature Photography
- fellowship
- Feminism
- Feng Jing
- field research
- Fill in the Blank
- film
- film and theatre journalism
- filmmaking
- filmmaking in China
- Final Cut Pro
- financial journalism
- Financial Times
- Fion Li
- Fireworks
- Flickr
- Flipped classroom
- Fong Hui Yi
- Forbes
- Ford Burkhart
- foreign affairs
- Foreign Aid
- foreign correspondent
- Foreign Correspondents Club Hong Kong
- Foreign Correspondents' Club
- Foreign Domestic Helpers
- foreign policy
- Forever Young
- Forever Young: Unleashing the Magic of Ayurveda
- form
- Fortune
- Fox News
- Foxxcon
- France
- France 24
- Francis Moriarty
- Francis Wong Ka-chun
- Francis Yin
- Frank Proctor
- free speech
- Free Speech Project
- Freedom House
- Freedom of Speech
- freedom of the press
- Freedom of the Press Institute
- Fringe Club
- FT
- FTChinese.com
- Fu King Wa
- Fudan University
- Fudan University’s Journalism School
- Fukushima 50
- Fulbright Fellow
- Functional Constituency
- Fund
- Funice Fung
- Future of Journalism
- Gabrielle Giffords
- Gang Rape
- Gangnam Style
- Gary King
- Geehee Shin
- Gender Bias
- Gender Violence
- Gender-Based Violence
- Gene Mustain
- General Education Unit
- Geneva
- George Brock
- George Soros
- George Washington University
- Georgia McCafferty
- Georgia Southern University
- German Geo
- Germany
- Ghost Town
- Gill Phillips
- global affairs
- global financial crisis
- Global Initiatives Symposium
- Global Investigative Journalism Network
- Global Marathon for Data Visualization
- Global Polio Eradication Initiative
- Global Post
- Global Stories
- global times
- global village
- globallounge
- Gloria Chang Dili
- Gloria Cheung
- Goldsmith College
- Goldsmiths College
- Good Morning America
- Google funded scholarship
- Google News
- Google Scholarship
- Gordon Mathews
- GovLab
- Grace Huang
- Grace Lee
- Grace Tsoi
- graduate
- graduateHouse
- grant
- Grantham Environmental Award
- Grassroots Journalism
- Grassroots Pantry
- Greenpeace
- Greenpeace International
- Griffith Film School
- Guardian
- guest speakers
- guidelines
- H1N1
- H5N1
- H7N9
- hackathon
- hackday
- Haining Liu
- Haiti Earthquake
- hakingWah
- Han Wei
- Han-Teng Liao
- hand code
- Hangzhou Asian Film Festival
- Hanoi
- Harry Roque
- Haruka Nuga
- Harvard
- Harvard Business Review
- Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations Conference
- Harvey Ye
- Hayley Lau
- HCM City
- Health
- health and science journalism
- health reporting
- Health Risk Communication
- Heather Timmons
- Heidi Yeung
- Helen Luk
- Helpers
- Henri Viiralt
- Henry Bradsher
- Henry Williams
- heritage
- Hillary Kong
- Himal Magazine
- Hiram Liu
- Hiroshima
- history
- history of the JMSC
- HK
- HK Arts Festival
- HK Broadband TV
- HK government
- HK Magazine
- HKSAR Government
- HKU Culture and Humanities Fund
- HKU Faculty of Law
- HKU Law
- hku libraries
- HKU Media Law and Policy Workshop
- HKU Press
- HKU Summer Institute
- HKU Taster
- HKU Worldwide Undergraduate Student Exchange Scholarship
- Holden Mann
- Holly Ip
- Homelessness
- Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Blind Union
- Hong Kong Book Fair
- Hong Kong Broadband Network
- Hong Kong Child Safety Conference
- Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
- Hong Kong Connection
- Hong Kong Copyright Bill
- Hong Kong Documentary Initiative
- Hong Kong Economic Times
- Hong Kong Free Press
- Hong Kong Government
- Hong Kong handover
- Hong Kong History
- Hong Kong International Literary Festival
- Hong Kong Journalists Association
- Hong Kong Magazine
- Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme
- Hong Kong protests
- Hong Kong Public Policy Research Fund
- Hong Kong race course
- Hong Kong Refugee Advice Centre
- Hong Kong Research Grants Council
- Hong Kong Stock Exchange
- Hong Kong University
- Hong Kong university thesis committee
- Honoree
- honors
- Honourable Charles Mok
- honours
- hostile environment training
- How Chinese Netizens Discuss Environmental Conflicts
- how I got my mother a life and a man
- Howard Finberg
- Howard French
- Hua Lu
- Huffington Post
- Hui Yi Fong
- human rights
- Human Rights Press Awards
- Human Rights Watch
- Hung Leung Hau Ling Distinguished Fellow
- hutong
- Hwee Ann Tan
- Hyuk Woo Nam
- i-Cable News
- Ian Holliday
- Ian Lang
- IB World Student Conference
- IB World Student Conference 2013
- ICTs
- Identity
- Ignites Asia
- Illiberal governance conference
- Impact of Social Media on Global Awareness
- In Search Of Perfect Consonance
- In The Hot Zone
- In the Hot Zone: One Man One Year Twenty Wars
- In the Name of the Emperor
- Independent Media
- InDesign
- India
- India Gang Rape
- India's Shame
- Indian fiction
- IndieVoices
- Indonesia
- infographic
- infographic design
- Information Day
- Information Graphics
- Information Technology
- Injoo Sohn
- Innocence Project
- innovation
- innovation advisor
- Institute for News Literacy Fellows in Asia
- Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communication
- Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
- intellectual property
- Inter-Collegiate Documentary Competition
- Interactive design
- interactive news
- intern
- international
- International Baccalaureate
- International Documentary Film Festival
- International Finance Centre
- International Herald Tribune
- International Media conference 2010
- International New York Times
- international news
- International Pillow Fight Day
- International Press Institute
- international reporting
- International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
- Internet
- internet entrepreneur
- Internet Media and Society
- Internet Media and Society Class
- internship
- internship diaries
- Internship Fund
- internships
- Internships and Alumni Coordinator
- Investigative Journalism
- investigative journalism in a global world
- Investigative Journalism in China: Eight Cases in Chinese Watchdog
- investigative reporter
- Investigative Reporters & Editors
- Investigative Reporting
- Irene Jay Liu
- iResponsibility: Explore How We Engage in the Online World
- Isaac Cheung
- Isak Ladegaard
- Isak Ladegård
- Italy
- Ivan Broadhead
- Ivan Sigal
- Ivy Zhang
- Jacky Wong
- Jaimi Dowdell
- Jakarta Post
- James Longley
- James Chan Kin Sing
- Jamie K. Wardman
- Japan
- Japan tsunami
- Jardine Scholarship
- Jasmine Siu
- Jason Cheung
- Jason Gatewood
- Jasper Wong
- Jayme Ng
- Jaymee Ng
- Jean H. Lee
- Jean Junchen
- Jean Lee
- Jee Hee Lim
- JEF Beijing
- Jeff Timmermans
- Jeffrey Timmermans
- Jennfer Jett
- Jennifer Jett
- Jenny Zhang
- Jeremiah Foo
- Jessica Park
- Jessy Yao
- Jhak Pun Magar
- Jiang Xue
- Jim Gould
- Jim Laurie
- Jing Yang
- JMSC ABC News on Campus
- JMSC Alumni
- JMSC alumnus
- jmsc authors
- JMSC courses
- JMSC Digital Media Lab
- JMSC director
- jmsc events
- JMSC faculty
- JMSC inaugural talk
- JMSC Industry Seminar Series
- JMSC Internships
- JMSC iOS app
- JMSC jobs
- JMSC journalism awards
- JMSC Journalist Grant Scheme
- JMSC Media Lab
- JMSC News on Campus
- JMSC Program
- JMSC Public Courses
- JMSC radio course
- JMSC Research Seminar
- JMSC scholarship
- JMSC staff
- JMSC Students
- JMSC workshops
- JMSC6048
- Jo Peng
- Joan Chen
- Joanne Lam
- Job Fair
- Joel Gurin
- John Chu
- John Northcott
- John Rainford
- John Rich
- John Roderick
- Joichi Ito
- Jojje Olson
- Jonathan Campbell
- Jonathan Stray
- Jörg Lau
- Jose Rueda
- Joseph Appiah-Dolphyne
- Josephia Feng
- Journal of Risk Research
- Journalism
- journalism and influenza
- journalism awards
- journalism career
- journalism careers
- Journalism Conference
- journalism degree
- Journalism Education Foundation
- Journalism Education Foundation Hong Kong Limited
- journalism internships
- Journalism Job Fair
- Journalism Jobs
- Journalism master
- journalism program
- journalism recruiting
- Journalism research
- Journalism school
- Journalism Students
- Journalist
- Journalist of the Year
- Journalist Wall of Shame
- Journalists
- Joyce Choi
- Joyce Liu
- Joyce Nip
- Joyce Xu
- Juan Velasco
- Judith Clarke
- Judith Neilson Institute
- Julian Assange
- Julian Gaertner
- Juliana Liu
- July 1 Protest
- Justin Heifetz
- Justine Tai
- Ka Ho Ng
- Kabul
- Kaiser Kuo
- KakaoTalk
- Kanupriya Kapoor
- Karen Chang
- Karen Smith
- Karen Zhang
- Kathleen Ngai
- Kathmandu
- Kees Metselaar
- Keith Richburg
- keithrichburg
- Ken Brown
- Ken Moritsugu
- Ketan Chitnis
- Kevin Cureau
- Kevin Drew
- Kevin Lau
- Kevin Sites
- Kevin Sites in the Hot Zone
- Khmer Rouge
- Khmer Rouge tribunal
- Killing Stories
- King Arthur
- King-wa Fu
- King’s Centre for Risk Management
- King’s College London
- Kirti Nandwani
- Kitty Ho
- knife attack
- Knight Foundation
- Knight News Challenge Prize
- Knopf
- Koney Bai
- Konstantin Riffler
- Korea
- Kristie Lu Stout
- Kristina Perez
- Kung Wing Kei Vicky
- Kunquu
- Kurt Achin
- Kwun cheung Chan
- LA Times
- Lam Vo
- Laos
- Lap-Chee Tsui
- Lareina Choong
- Last Week in Reality
- Late Night Live
- Laura Ma
- Laurella & Wallin förlag
- Lauren Dockett
- law
- Law Reform
- Law Wing Chung
- Lawrence Lessig
- Leanne Lee
- Lee Hysan Foundation
- Lee Shau Kee Scholarship
- Legco
- Lehman Brothers
- Leidan University
- Leo Goodstadt
- Leung Ho Yin Nicholas
- Leveson Inquiry
- Lhagva Erdene
- Li Li
- Li-Fung Cho
- Liberation Auteur
- libraryExtension
- Life
- Lifen Zhang
- Lifestyle Asia
- Lilian Kwok Lai-yi
- Lily Lu
- Lin Tsz-nok
- Line
- Linn Schjerven
- Lisa Khoo
- Lisa Onland
- Literary Journalism
- Liu Heung Shing
- Liu Jiayi
- Liu Lu
- Liu Wei
- Liu Yang
- live coverage
- live news
- Living in the Shadow
- Lloyd's List
- lokeYewHall
- Lokman Tsui
- London School of Economics
- Lord Anthony Lester QC
- Lord Dyson
- Lorea Solabarrieta
- Lorraine Hahn
- Los Angeles Times
- Lui Hong
- Lui Lok Hang
- Lukas Messmer
- Lydia Sung
- Ma Ning
- Mabel Sieh
- Mable Chan
- Macmillan
- Mae Sot
- Magazine Design
- Maggie Leung
- Magic 20
- Maha Shah
- Mai Jun
- Making sense of news
- Making Sense of the News
- Malaysia
- malaysiak
- Malaysiakini
- Malhotra Hora
- Mali
- Malik Imtiza Sarwar
- Malik Peiris
- Mammogram
- Mandy Lai
- Manon Pierre
- MAP Course
- MAP Courses
- March of the Penguins
- Marco Lui
- Maria Rieckelman
- Marianne bray
- marine pollution
- Mark Erder
- Mark Horvit
- Mark Stephens
- Marketing
- Marta Colombo
- Martin Hala
- Martin Murphy
- Mary Lui
- Maryknoll Convent School
- Maryknoll Sisters
- Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic
- Masashi Crete-Nishihata
- masato
- Masato Kajimoto
- mashup
- massive online open course
- massive open online course
- Massoud Hossaini
- Master
- Master of Journalism
- Master of Journalism admissions
- Master of Journalism programme
- Master of Philosophy in Journalism
- Master of Public Policy
- Mat
- Matt Harding
- Matt Ma
- Matt Walsh
- Maureen Sabine
- Mayella Cheung
- meda
- Media
- Media Academy for Pros
- media and depression
- Media and Public Sphere
- Media Bias
- Media Defense-South East Asia
- Media Development Loan Fund
- Media Digest
- Media Entrepreneurship
- Media Entrepreneurship Pitch Session
- media entrpreneurship
- media freedom
- media innovation
- media law
- Media Law and Ethics
- Media Law and Policy in the Internet Age
- Media Law Conference
- media law project
- media literacy
- Media Pluralism
- Media Reporting of the 2009 Influenza Pandemic in Hong Kong
- Media Research Class
- media skills
- media training
- Media-X
- Mediative
- Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit of the Li Ka-Shing Faculty of Medicine
- Medill School of Journalism
- Meedan
- Melbourne University
- Melinda Frost
- Melissa Kronenberg
- Meme Tracker
- Meng Ren
- mengWah
- Mental Health Promotion Programme
- Mergermarket
- MERS Coronavirus
- metadata
- Metro Express
- Mexico
- Mexin Zhu
- Michael Coyne
- Michael Forsythe
- Michael Hartmann
- Michael Kim
- Michael Schuman
- Michael Yiannakis
- Michelle Ho
- Michelle Lok
- Michelle Yun
- Mick Deane
- Mick Deane Scholarship
- microblogging
- Microsoft
- Microsoft Excel
- Middle East
- Mike Chinoy
- Mike Hammer
- Mike Meyer
- Miklos Sukosd
- Mimi Tong
- Min-Seok Kim
- Minamisanriku
- Ming Pao
- Mingmei Jiang
- mini-semester
- misinformation
- Missouri School of Journalism
- MIT Media Lab
- mizzima
- MJ
- MJ Admissions
- MJ program
- MJ programme
- Mo Lai Ching
- mobile
- Mobile Journalism
- modern media
- Monami Mui
- Money for Nothing
- Money Magazine
- Mong Kok
- Mongol TV
- Mongolia
- Mongolia Press Council
- monkey
- Morley Safer
- Mozilla
- multi-media
- multimedia
- Multimedia News Presentation
- Munk School of Global Affairs
- Muse
- Muse Magazine
- Museum
- Museum of Chinese in America
- music
- My Life
- My Voice
- myanmar
- myanmar times
- N3Con
- Nagasaki
- Nancy Dai
- Nancy Law
- Nancy Tong
- Naomi Ng
- Naonori Kohira
- Nashville Film Festival
- Natalie Deng Ning
- Natalie Wang
- Natasha Khan
- Nathan Griffiths
- National Committee of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
- National Geographic
- National People's Congress
- National People's Congress of China
- National Press Photographers Association
- National Public Radio
- National Security Agency
- Natural Medicine
- Naushin Ahmed
- NBC News
- Nepal
- Nepal Times
- nepalnews.com
- Never Sorry
- Nevin Nie
- New America Medai
- New Book Release Presentation
- new media
- New Media Conference
- New Now Next Media Conference
- new staff
- new students
- New York
- New York Daily Times
- New York Times
- New York Times Latitude Blog
- New York University
- New Zealand
- news
- News International
- news literacy
- news literacy curriculum
- News Literacy Education
- News Literacy Fellow at JMSC
- News Literacy Project
- News Photography
- News Stream
- Newspaper Design
- newsroom
- Newsweek
- Next Magazine
- NEXTmedia
- Ng Tze-wei
- Ng Yuk-hang
- Ngee Ann Polytechnic
- NHK World
- Nicholas Diokopoulos
- Nicholas Doalpoulos
- Nicholas Leung
- Nick Diakopoulos
- Nick Ut
- Nicky Lee
- Nicky Ngm Qian Xu
- Nicole Pabello
- Nicole Xu
- Nicole Xu Ke
- Nieman Journalism Fellow
- Night at Science Museum
- Night at the Art Museum
- Night at the Museum
- Nightcamp
- Nightline
- Nine Beats Education Institution for Modern Music
- Nino Lin
- Nobel Peace Prize
- Nordic Aid
- North Base Media
- North Korea
- Northwestern University
- Nov Povleakhena
- novel
- Now TV
- Nowhere to Hide
- NPPA Monthly Media Contest
- nuclear industry
- Nuns
- Oanh Ha
- Obama
- Occupy Central
- Odd Arne Westad
- Ogilvy & Mather Hong Kong
- OJ Simpson
- Olga Wong
- Olivia Rosenman
- Ombudsman
- One World Report
- online data collection
- online human communication
- online journalism
- online media
- Online media skills
- online service providers
- Open Call Asia
- Open Data
- Open Data 500
- Open Government Project
- Open Knowledge Foundation
- OpenGov Project
- Operation Meade River
- Operation Mom
- opinion writing
- Opium War
- OR Media
- orientation
- Oscars
- Osher Center for Integrative Medicine
- Ossing
- Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital
- Our Story
- Outbreak Communication Guidelines
- Outernet
- Overfishing
- Overseas Press Club Award
- Overview
- Overview Project
- Oxford
- Oxford Internet Institute
- Paavan Mathema
- paid plasma donation
- Pan Macmillan
- Pan Macmillan India
- pandemic
- Paola Barisani
- parody
- Patrick Boehler
- Paul Cheung
- Paul Gully
- Paul Mooney
- Paul Saffo
- Peggy Shen
- Peggy Valcke
- peking
- Peking- Förändringarnas stad
- Pembroke-King Programme Scholarship
- People's Daily
- People's Daily Overseas Edition
- perinatal care
- Peter Arnett
- Peter Herford
- Peter Hessler
- Peter Jennings
- Peter Yu
- Phan Thi Kim Phuc
- PhD in Journalism
- philanthropy
- Philippe Massonnet
- Philippines
- Phillippa Stewart
- Phnom Penh Post
- Phoebe Peng
- Phoenix TV
- Phoenix Woodworks
- Phone Hacking Scandal
- photo
- photo ethics
- photo journalism
- photographer
- photography
- photojournalism
- Photojournalism @ HKU
- Photojournalism@HKU
- Photos
- Photoshop
- Phuket Wan
- plug-in
- Podcast
- Podcasts
- Pokfulam village
- polio
- Politburo Standing Committee
- Political Participation and Media Use in HK and China
- politics
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- postgraduate
- poynter
- Premier Wen Jiabao
- Premiere
- press freedom
- press restrictions
- pressfreedom
- Princess Monoke
- Priscilla Cheung
- Priscilla Lee
- Priscilla Ng
- privacy
- Private Television Ownership in Bangladesh: A Critical Inquiry
- production
- Prof Ying Chan
- Profess Fu King-wa
- professional
- Professional Practice Manager
- Professional Practise Manager
- professionalism
- Professor and Head of Journalism
- Professor Chan
- Professor George Brock
- Professor Ian Holliday
- Professor Miklos Sukosd
- Professor Richard Wong
- Professor Thomas Abraham
- Professor Ying Chan
- Programme for Comparative Media Law and Policy
- Project for Public Culture
- projects
- propaganda
- protests
- Prototype
- Public Affairs Reporting
- Public Expression
- public health
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- public health communication programme
- Public Health Communications
- public Health Media Programme
- Public Health Media Project
- public opinion Hong Kong
- public service announcements in China
- publication
- Pui-king Chan
- Puja Kapai
- Pulitzer Prize
- Pulitzer Prize International Reporting
- python
- Qianjiang Evening News
- Qik
- qik.com
- Qing Dynasty
- Quartz
- Quiteria Leung
- Rachel Li
- Radio
- Radio News Production
- Radio One
- Radio Television Hong Kong
- Rain Lau
- Ramy Incencio
- Ramy Inocencio
- Rape
- Raymond Cheng
- Raymond Wong
- Raymond Yeung
- Rayne Yuen Wai Yin
- Reader's Digest
- Realization Plan
- Rebecca Valli
- Reenita Malhotra
- Reenita Malhotra Hora
- Reflections of a Mainland Publisher
- Refugee Children
- Refugee Clinical Assistance Programme
- Refugees
- Reg Chua
- relevancy
- Reluctant Regulators: How the West Created and China Survived the Global Financial Crisis
- Remembering
- Rennes University
- reporting on the frontlines
- Reporting the Global Financial Crisis
- Research
- Research Grants Council
- Research Seminar
- Research Seminars
- Reuters
- Richard Frank
- Richard Hornik
- Richard Hu Weixing
- Richard Schuster
- rights exposure
- risk communication
- Ro Pui Man
- Rob McBride
- Rob Schmitz
- Robert Elegant
- Robert Keatley
- Robin Pang
- Robyn Meredith
- Rock and Roll
- Rogier Creemers
- Rohingya
- Rohingya Muslims
- Roland Chin
- Ronald Tam
- Ross Settles
- Roy Ching
- Roy Rowan
- RT
- RTHK Radio 3
- Ruby Yang
- Ruby Yang Workshop
- ruling party
- Rupert Murdock
- Russia
- Russia Today
- Rusty Todd
- Rutgers University
- Saga McFarland
- Sally Lam
- Salubrious Nation
- Samantha Wang
- samizdat
- Samsung
- Samsung products
- San Francisco Chronicle
- San Jose Mercury News
- Sanday Chongo Kabange
- Sane
- Sarah Spaeth
- Sarasota Film Festival
- Sasa Vucinic
- Saudi Arabia
- Saul Sugarman
- Savannah College of Art and Design
- Scholarship
- School of Humanities
- School of Public Health
- Science Museum
- Sciences Po
- SCMP Wah Kiu Yat Po Journalism Fund
- SCMP Wah Kiu Yat Po Scholarship Fund
- screenings
- Seattle Post-intelligencer
- Sebastian Lindstrom
- Secretary of State for Public Affairs
- security
- security policy
- seed funding
- seminar
- Seoul
- Sergio Held
- Sergio Held Otero
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
- Sexual Violence
- Shaad Baig
- Shahidul Alam
- Shanghai
- Shanghai A History in Photographs 1842 to Today
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Shanghai Study Centre
- Shanghaiist
- Shao Xiaoyi
- Shari Nijman
- shark finning
- Sharron Fast
- Sheena Yap
- Sheffield Documentary Festival
- Sheila Coronel
- Shen Dingli
- Shephanie Kwan
- Sheridan Prasso
- Sherry Zhang
- Shinichi Terada
- Shirley Xiao
- Shirley Yan
- Shishak Monthly
- Shue Yan University
- Sichuan Project
- sign up
- Simon Young
- Sina Weibo
- Sina.com
- Sing Tao Daily
- Sing Tao Evening News
- Singapore
- Sino-Japanese War
- Sir Man Kam Lo
- Sir Man Kam Lo/Jardine Scholarship
- Sites
- Sky Canaves
- Sky News
- Skype
- smart glass
- sniper
- Snowden
- Social Inclusion A
- Social Inclusion Activities Grant
- Social Inclusion Grant
- Social Media
- social media marketing
- social networks
- Society for News Design Chinese
- Society of Publishers in Asia
- soft power
- Sohu.com
- Sol Han
- Solve for Tomorrow
- Son Han
- Song Shinan
- Songyao Ren
- Soo-Jin Kim
- SOPA Awards
- SOPA Awards 2013
- SOPA Awards 2014
- SOPA's Awards for Editorial Excellence
- Sophia Qian Xu
- Sophia Xu Qian
- Sophie Brown
- South China Morning Post
- South China Morning Post Wah Kiu Yat Po
- South China Sea
- South Korea
- Southeast Asia
- Southern Metropolis China
- Southern Metropolis Daily
- Southern Weekly
- speakers
- Special Coverage
- Spotlight
- St. Anthony's College.
- staff
- Standard Charter
- Stanford Law School
- Stanley Karnow
- Stars and Stripes
- Stella Ko
- Stephanie Burnett
- Stephanie Ip
- Stephanie Kwan
- Stephen Gilbert
- Stephen McKeever
- Steve Herman
- Steve Miller
- Steven Hsieh
- Stony Brook
- Stony Brook University
- Stony Brook University School of Journalism
- Storify
- Storyful
- strapline
- Stuart Biggs
- Stuart Lau
- student
- student lounge
- student work
- students
- studio
- Su Xin Qi
- Suhani Jain
- Suicide Bombing
- Suicide research
- summer course
- Summer internship workshop
- Summer Programme
- Summer Volunteer Program
- Sun Yat-Sen University’s Communication and Design School
- Sundance Film Festival
- SunTV
- surveillance
- sustainable development
- Swe Win
- Swine flu
- SXSW Festival
- Sydney Morning Herald
- Syed Karim
- Sylvia Chan
- TableTalk.Asia
- Tae-hoon Lee
- Taipei
- Taiwan
- Tajiks
- Takka Wong
- Talk Asia
- TalkAsia
- Talking Points Memo
- talks
- Tam Ka Kei Katie
- Tammy Allman
- Tanzania
- Tarana Akbari
- Teaching and Learning
- Teaching Assistant
- Technology
- technology for environment
- technology for the environment
- Ted Koppel
- TEDxVictoriaHarbour
- Television News Production
- Television News Writing
- television reporting
- Temily Gopan
- Temily Tianmay Gopan
- terrorism
- Tesa Arcila
- Tesa Arcilla
- Thailand
- Thandiwe Moyo
- The Art and Craft of Documentary Filmmaking
- the Associated Press
- The Baltimore Sun
- The Bangkok Post
- The Beijing News
- The Blood of Yingzhou District
- The Boston Globe
- The Changqing Faces of American Television News
- The Cove
- The Daily Telegraph
- the drinks business
- The Echo
- The Elephant and the Dragon
- The Financial Times
- The Flaming Lips
- The Ground Truth Project
- The Guardian
- The High Life
- The Hindu
- the Hong Kong University Graduate Association (HKUGA) Journalism Fund
- The Host
- The Indonesia Channel
- the irrawaddy
- The Jakarta Globe
- The Jakarta Post
- the JMSC Journalist Scholarship
- the JMSC Overseas Talent Scholarship
- the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas
- The Lancet
- The Last Villagers
- the Lee Kam Woon and Shum Shuk Yuen Education Fund
- The Lightbulb Conspiracy
- The Myth of Morgan la Fey
- The Nation
- The Nepali Times
- The Netherlands
- The New York Times
- The New Yorker
- The Open Internet
- The Pearl Report
- The Poynter Institute
- The Road From Trinity
- The Road to 1911: A Visual History
- The Scoop Award
- The Society of Publishers in Asia
- The Standard
- The Telegraph
- The Things They Cannot Say
- The Things They Cannot Say: Stories Soldiers Won’t Tell You
- The Times
- The Umbrella Movement
- The University of Hong Kong
- The unraveling of Tom Hayes
- The Wall Street Journal
- The Warriors of Qiugang
- The Washington Post
- the William F. Woo Memorial Journalism Education Fund
- The World Association of Christian Communication
- theatre reviews
- Think Map
- This American Life
- Thomas Abraham
- Thomas Crampton
- Thomas Lennon
- Thomson Reuters
- Thomson Reuters PR
- Three Missing Pages
- Through Women's Eyes
- Tiananmen Square
- Tiananmen Square crisis
- Tim Berners-Lee
- Tim Cheung
- Tim Summers
- Time
- Time Magazine
- Time Out Hong Kong
- TimeOut HK
- Times Literary Supplement
- Times of India
- Times of London
- Timothy Garton Ash
- Tohoku earthquake coverage
- Tokyo
- Tom Grundy
- Tom Wright
- Tongzhi in Love
- Tony Yoo
- Tracy Lam
- Tracy Tong
- Trailblazers in Habits
- trailer
- translation
- transparency
- Trauma journalism
- Trauma reporting
- Trelleborg Allehanda
- Trump
- Tsinghua University’s Journalism and Communication School
- Tsz Ching Tong
- Tu Zhengliang
- TV news production
- TV News Writing
- TV producer
- TV reporting
- TV2 - The Facts
- TVB Jade
- TVB Pearl
- Twenty-First Century Plague
- Twitter Data
- U.S.-China Institute at the University of Southern California
- Umbrella Movement
- undergrad
- undergraduate
- Underground Print Culture and Independent Political Communication in Communist Regimes at the Printing in the Age of Smart Media
- UNICEF Vietnam
- United Nations
- United States
- Universal suffrage
- University Development Fund
- University Museum and Art Gallery
- University of Bratislava
- University of California at San Francisco
- University of Cambridge
- University of Erlangen-Nuremburg
- University of Geneva
- University of Georgia
- University of Heidelberg
- University of Hong Kong
- University of Hong Kong Student Prize Ceremony
- University of Illinois at Champaign Urbana
- University of London
- University of Maryland
- University of Massachusetts Amherst
- University of Missouri
- University of Missouri-Columbia
- University of Oxford
- University of Prague
- University of Southern California
- University of Sydney
- University of Toronto
- University. News. People.
- US State Department
- US-China
- US-China Institute
- USA Today
- user data
- Using Online Media to Encourage Help-seeking for Depression
- UStream
- Uzbeks
- vaccination
- Vail Film Festival
- vancouver sun
- Vanessa Ko
- Vedika Daswani
- Velentina Ma
- Venus Yiu
- verification
- veteran journalists
- Veterans
- Vice
- Vice-Chancellor
- Vice.com
- Vicky Kung
- victor mallet
- video
- Video
- Video Journalism
- video production
- Videolyzer
- Vietnam
- Vietnam Veterans
- Vietnam War
- Viewfinder
- Viktor Mayer-Schönberger
- Vincent Du
- violence
- visual journalism
- visual journalist
- visual media
- Visual Moments
- Visualization
- Vivian Kwok
- Vivian Mak
- Vivien Ng
- Vocational Training Council
- Voice of America
- Vox Asia
- Vox Event Analytics
- vox-asia.com
- Wage Indicator Foundation
- Wall Street Journal
- Wall Street Journal Asia
- Walter Kwok Scholarship
- Waltraut Ritter
- Wang Jiapeng
- Wang Keqin
- Wang Xiaojie
- War
- war correspondent
- war reporter
- War reporting
- warlords
- Washington Post
- We Care
- We the Media
- web editor
- Web Mining Laboratory
- Webby Awards
- Webinar
- weblog
- weblogs
- wechatscope
- Wei Wei
- Weiboscope
- Weiboscope English
- WeiboTrends
- WeiboTrendsPro
- Welcome
- wemedia
- Wen Jiabao
- Wen Wei Po
- Wendy Tang
- Weng Xiaoying
- Wenping Wang
- West Africa
- West of East: Media in Central and Eastern Europe Eurasia and China at the Media and Democracy
- Western Media
- Westside Stories
- whaling
- whattookyousolong.org
- Who Killed Vi
- Who Killed Vincent Chin
- Who Runs Hong Kong
- WhoRunsHK
- Wikileaks
- Wikipedia Revolution
- William Chang
- William F. Woo Memorial Journalism Education Fund
- wine journalism
- wine reporting
- Winnie Shum
- Winnie So
- Wires
- women's issues
- Women's Liberation
- Word (World) of Yours
- WordPress
- workshop
- World AIDS Day
- World Economic Forum
- World Editors Forum
- World Health Organization
- world press photo
- World War II
- World Watch
- worldpress
- WrenMedia UK
- Writer
- writerinresidence
- Writing In(to) Architecture: China's Architectural Design and Construction Since 1949
- Wukan
- Xeni Jardin
- Xi Jinping
- Xiao Shu
- Xinle Jia
- Xinyan Yu
- Xu Xun
- Xun Huan Zho Le
- Yahoo
- Yale University
- Yan Huichang
- Yannie Chan
- yaogun
- Yaruunaa Oyunbazar
- Yazhou Zhoukan
- Yennie Chan
- Ying Chan
- Yoichi Kato
- Yolanda Ma
- You Can Write Better English
- Youku
- Youtube
- Yu Shunxi
- Yuen Ying Chan
- Yuki Cheung
- Yulin
- Yumiko Ono
- Yvonne Tong
- Zakiyyah Wahab
- Zambia
- zambian bloggers network
- Zeb Eckert
- Zela Chin
- Zhan Jiang
- Zhang Junhua
- Zhang Menghui
- Zhang Ming
- Zhao Dayong
- Zhao Liang
- Zhejiang-Mali Medical Aid Team
- Zhnag Qianye
- Zhou Ping
- Zhou Yongkan
- Zhu Xuedong
- Zhuang Xueya
- Zimbabwe
15 November 2018
Published by jmsc at 15 November 2018
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13 November 2018
Published by jmsc at 13 November 2018
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6 May 2016
Published by jmsc at 6 May 2016
Friday, 13 May 2016 – 12.45-4 p.m.11/F Cheng Yu Tung Tower, Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong (Centennial Campus) In a world of insecure systems, data breaches and ubiquitous surveillance, digital defence is no longer the […]
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19 March 2015
Published by admin at 19 March 2015
The growth of applications like WeChat, Line, and KakaoTalk have raised questions about the pressures they may face in specific jurisdictions to censor or monitor communications and provide governments with user data. Masashi Crete-Nishihata, from Citizen Lab, will present his research on these issues, as well as how these companies may respond to these demands.
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20 January 2015
Published by admin at 20 January 2015
JMSC Research Seminar: Nationalism, anti-Beijing criticism, and censorship on Weibo during the 2012 Diaoyudao (釣魚島) dispute Date: January 23, 2015 Time: 13:00 – 14:00 Venue: Digital Media Lab, G/F, Eliot Hall, JMSC, HKU Abstract: Protests […]
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23 October 2014
Published by Georgia McCafferty at 23 October 2014
JMSC Assistant Professor Fu King-Wa has been awarded two new grants to continue his work investigating the behaviour of social media users in China and Hong Kong and assessing the extent of Chinese government censorship. […]
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9 October 2013
Published by Martin Murphy at 9 October 2013
Visiting Singapore writer and academic tells a Foreign Correspondents' Club audience that arguments about Singapore's "good governance" are not sufficient to explain the ruling party's decades-long hold on power and its ability to suppress press freedoms. Rather, a combination of factors such as market forces and self-restraint, e.g., more use of civil law, have become the preferred tools to curtail media freedoms.
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