AJ Libunao, JMSC Director of Bachelor of Journalism Programme, delivered a talk on the BJ programme and photojournalism to over 600 students at ELCHK Lutheran Academy.
Georgie McCafferty (MJ 2014) is a recent graduate of the JMSC Master of Journalism programme, a mother of three, and a freelance journalist. In this video, she talks about juggling family and studies during her Master of Journalism programme, and how the courses helped prepare her for a career in journalism.
As a foreign student whose native language is not English, you have to focus on your other strengths to get the internships you want, according to French-born MJ 2013 graduate, Kevin Cureau.
Finding a job or internship at a large media organisation is always a challenge, but recent graduate Grace Huang (MJ 2013) found that taking online journalism and reporting and writing classes really helped her build up her foundation.
Joyce Xu, a third year Bachelor of Journalism student from Hong Kong, has won the International New York Times “Word (World) of Yours” Writing Competition 2013 for her article, “The Impact of Social Media on Global Awareness,” which was published April 1 in the INYT’s Hong Kong and China print editions.
Once the provenance of American universities, the subject of news literacy is now expanding abroad where new models of teaching are gaining attention. One such course at the Journalism and Media Studies Centre was recently highlighted in the Columbia Journalism Review for its innovative approach to de-Americanizing the news literacy curriculum for a more global student body.
Four Bachelor of Journalism students from the Journalism and Media Studies Centre got a rare chance earlier this month when they covered meetings of China’s highest organs of state power.
Two JMSC Bachelor students are competing in Samsung's Solve for Tomorrow competition aimed at creating technology to help the environment. Your vote will support the students and the JMSC. Deadline is March 17.