9 May 2017

Pulitzer Prize finalist shares top tips for investigative journalism with JMSC students

Being an investigative reporter is tough, but there are ways to make it easier, 2016 Pulitzer Prize for International Reporting finalist Tom Wright told JMSC students in a recent workshop. Wright, Journalist-in-Residence at the JMSC […]
26 April 2016

Investigating financial scandals requires patience, says 2016 Pulitzer Prize nominee

Investigating financial scandals isn’t always sexy and requires the patience to sift through mounds of financial disclosure documents, The Wall Street Journal’s Tom Wright has told JMSC students. Wright, Asia Economics Editor for the Journal, […]
17 December 2013

Two Veteran Journalists from Top U.S. News Organizations Join JMSC Faculty

Two seasoned journalists from The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times have joined the Journalism and Media Studies Centre as Adjust Professors. Adam Najberg (WSJ) will be teaching a course on financial journalism, while Brian Zittel (NYT) will teach opinion writing. Both stress the importance of "telling a good story."
11 July 2011

July 16: MAP Course – Video For Reporters

In the digital age, reporters are increasingly asked to construct video and multimedia stories on top of their print work. How can one become an effective visual journalist while navigating this new workload? The course is open to anyone who has reporting experience but is a beginner in video reporting.
21 January 2011

JMSC Internships Lead to Published Work

Over the winter break, more than 50 students from the JMSC completed internships in media organisations in Hong Kong, China and round the Asia Pacific Region. Companies taking JMSC students included Time Out HK, the South China […]