7 November 2018
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- 2015-2016
- About
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- BJ alumni stories
- BJ Curriculum
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- JMSC Events
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- JMSC News
- JMSC video
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- MJ alumni stories
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- Research Staff
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- Teaching Supports
- Uncategorized
- Undergraduate
- Welcome to HKU Journalism
- _Extra Width Pages
- All
- #aajahk
- #MJadmissions
- 'Word (World) of Yours' Writing Competition
- 18th National Congress
- 1911
- 1918 Happy Valley Fire
- 1MDB
- 1st China International Micro-film Exhibition Hangzhou
- 21HK: What's in your water
- 21st century Statecraft
- 33 Graham Street
- 68th Cavalry
- A Celebration of Journalism
- AAJA-Asia
- ABC News
- ABC News on Campus
- ABC on Campus
- ABC's Radio National
- Abdul Matin Sarfraz
- Abdur Razzaque Khan
- Abul Fazl
- Abul Fazl Shrine
- Academy Award
- Academy Award for Documentary Short Subject
- academy award winner
- Academy Award-winning documentary filmmaker
- Academy Awards
- access to information
- Activism
- Adam Najberg
- Adbur Razzaque Khan
- Addiction
- Adi Ignatius
- Adjunct Professors
- adjuncts
- Administration
- Admissions
- Adobe
- Adrian Wong
- Advanced News Photography
- Advanced Online MAP
- Advanced Online Media Skills
- Afghanistan
- Africa
- AfricaNews
- Agence France-Presse
- Aghanistan
- Ai Weiwei
- Aidan White
- AIDS orphans
- Airelle Emmett
- AJ Libunao
- Al Jazeera
- Al Jazeera English
- Alan Parkhouse
- Albany Times Union
- Alberto Cairo
- Alec Ross
- Alejandro Reyes
- Alex Hofford
- Alex Pena
- Alexis Lai
- Alfred Hermida
- Alice Woodhouse
- Alice Zhang
- Alicia Garcia-Herrero
- Alison Hui
- Alison Hui Kar-yan
- Alison Klayman
- Alison Zhou Saiyu
- Almost Famous
- Alternative Medicine
- Alumnae
- alumni
- Amanda Shuai
- Amb. Rodolfo Severino
- America
- American Lawyer
- Ammara Ahmad
- Amnesty International Hong Kong
- Amy Ha
- An Inconvenient Truth
- Andras Bozoki
- Andrea Chen
- Andrea Fenn
- Andrea Yu
- Andrew Kenyon
- Andrew Lam
- Andrew Lau
- Andrew Lih
- Andrew Willis
- Andy Ho
- Angela Liu
- Angelina Draper
- Angharad Hampshire
- Angharad Law
- Angie Lau
- Angie Man
- Anhui Province
- Anjani Trivedi
- Ann Choy
- Ann Li
- Anna Fang
- Anna-Karin Ernstson Lampou
- Anne Kruger
- Anne Nelson
- Anne Renzenbrink
- Annenberg-Oxford Media Law Institute Scholarship
- annie lab
- Annie Woon
- Annie Zhang
- Anqi Du
- Anti-corruption protest
- anti-stalking law
- antiELAB
- Apple Daily
- Application
- apply
- Arab Spring
- Arizona State University
- Arnold Classic
- Arnold Zeitlin
- Art
- Art Basel
- Arts and Culture Journalism
- Arya's Chronicles
- Ashoka Foundation
- Asia
- Asia Digital Editor
- Asia news
- Asia Pacific Vision
- Asia Sentinel
- Asia Society
- Asia Television
- Asia Times Online
- Asian American Journalists Association
- Asian journalism
- Asian Media Information and Communication Annual Conference
- Asian Threads
- Asian Threads RTHK
- Asian Youth Orchestra
- Asian-American filmmakers
- Asis Society
- Assignment China
- Assignment China: The Week that Changed the World
- Associated Press
- Associated Press Television News
- Association of Asian Journalists
- Atlantic Media
- audio
- Aung San Suu Kyi
- Australia
- Austria
- author
- authoritarian rule
- Avatar
- Award
- awards
- Awards for Editorial Excellence
- Ayo Chan
- Ayurveda
- B92
- Baburam Bishwakarma
- Bachelor of Journalism
- Bachelor of Journalism Students
- Backpack Journalism
- Baidu
- Bangladesh
- Banking on a Long Shot
- Baptist University
- Barack Obama
- Barry Kalb
- Basic Photography
- Bay City News
- BBC News
- BBC Tv
- BBC World Service
- Becoming American Becoming Chinese
- Behavioral Change Communication During Outbreak Response
- Beijing
- Beijing Bureau Chief
- Beijing Film Academy
- Beijing World Art Museum
- Beijing: The City of Changes
- Benazir Bhutto
- Best of Journalism
- Bethany Matta
- Beyond Basic Photography
- Big Data
- Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live
- bilingual reporting TVB
- billion dollar whale
- Billy Wong
- Billy Wong Shing-keung
- Bishop University
- Biz Asia
- BJ
- BJ 2012
- BJ Students
- blog
- bloggers
- blogging
- blogs
- Blood of Yingzhou
- Bloomberg
- Bloomberg anchor
- Bloomberg internship
- Bloomberg News Beijing
- Bloomberg News Singapore
- Bloomberg TV
- Boao Forum For Asia
- Bohai Morning Post
- Boing Boing
- Boing Boing Video
- Bonham Wednesdays
- Book Launch
- book talk
- Books
- booksellers
- booktalks
- Breast Cancer
- Brian Carovillano
- Brian Zittel
- British Journalism
- broadcast
- broadcast journalism
- Bruce Shapiro
- Bryan Curtis
- Buddhist-Muslim violence
- budget press conference
- Bulgaria
- Burma
- Burma Project
- Burmese refugees
- Busan International Film Festival
- business
- Business and Finance Data Visualization
- business and finance journalism
- business and financial journalism
- Business Insider
- business journalism
- Business Line
- Buzzfeed
- buzzword
- C For Culture
- CAAMFest
- Caixin Media
- California Pacific Medical Center
- call for entries
- Cambodia
- Canace Lam
- Canada
- Canadian government
- Cancer
- Cancer: From Evolution to Revolution
- Canon
- Capital Magazine
- carbon footprint
- career advice
- Career Discovery in Communications
- career inception
- Career Talk
- Careers
- Carlos Douh
- Carlos Ghosn
- Carmen Ng
- Carol Cheung
- Carol Zhong
- Carol Zhou
- Carolyn Lee
- Carry Kalb
- Cathay Pacific Hong Kong International Races 2010
- Catherine Chan
- Catholic Church
- CBC News Network
- CCTV Beijing
- Censorship
- censorship in china
- Centennial Campus
- Center for News Literacy
- Central European University
- Central Intelligence Agency
- Central Policy Unit
- Centre for Communicating Science
- Centre for Comparative and Public Law
- centre for enhancement of teaching and learning
- Centre for Investigative Journalism in Nepa;
- Centro
- Centro Digital Pictures
- Chan Kin Shing James
- Chan Pui-king
- Chang Ai Media Project
- Charlie Sennott
- Check
- Chen Li
- Chen Yifei
- Cheng Honglan
- Cheng Yizhong
- Cherry Yu Yichun
- Cheung Chi-fat
- Chevening Scholarship
- Chicago Innocence Project
- Chicago Sun-Times
- Chief Executive
- Chien Mi Wong
- Chiew Chung
- China
- China and the New Internet World
- China Censorship
- China Daily
- China documentaries
- China in Africa
- China in Africa Project
- China Media Project
- China Outlook
- China soft power
- china studies
- China Youth Daily
- China's Little Rock Star
- China's soft power
- China.org
- China: Portrait of a Country
- Chinese aid
- Chinese aid to Africa
- Chinese Americans
- Chinese Communist Party
- Chinese community of Prato
- Chinese Media
- Chinese music festivals
- Chinese New Year
- Chinese translation
- Chinese University
- Ching Cheong
- chingcheong
- Chloe Deng
- Chris Dobson
- Christina Caron
- Christine Chen
- Christine Kwok
- Christopher Cairns
- Christopher DeWolf
- Christy Choi
- Chu Hai College of Higher Education
- Chung-hong Chan
- Citizen Hong Kong
- citizen journalism
- Citizen Lab
- Citizenfour
- CitizenMap
- City University
- City University London
- civil society
- Cleo Chen
- Cliff Bale
- Clive Lee
- CNN en Espanol
- CNN International
- CNN Newswires
- CNN Operations Internship programme
- CNN Senior Asia Correspondent
- CNN Spanish
- CNN Travel
- CNN.com
- Code on Access to Information
- Cold War
- Colombia
- Columbia Journalism Review
- Columbia Journalism School
- columbia university
- com
- Commercial Radio
- Commerical Radio
- Common Core
- Communicating Infectious Disease Risk Conference
- Communication for Behavioral Impact
- Communist Party of China
- computational journalism
- computational science
- Computer science
- computer-aded journalism
- Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference
- conference
- Conference on Communicating Infectious Diseases
- Conference on Communicating Infectious Diseases in a Dangerous Decade
- Connected China
- Connecting Myanmar
- Connie Tse Cho Yi
- contempt of court issues
- content removal
- Continuing Education Fund
- copy
- copyright
- copyright law
- copyright reform
- Corey Ng
- Cornell University
- coronavirus
- Cosima Dannoritzer
- Councelling
- Country Driving: A Journey Through China from Farm to Factory
- course
- court communications
- Cover-It-Live
- Covering China
- CoveritLive
- COVID-19
- Creative Cloud
- Creative Commons
- Creative Commons Hong Kong
- cricket
- Cristobal Edwards
- Critical Thinking
- Crystal Fu
- Cui Anyong
- curriculum
- Cyber News Verification Lab
- cyberbalkanization
- Dafen
- Dai Bingran
- Daiichi nuclear power plant
- Dan Gillmor
- Dan Goodman
- Daniel C. Hallin
- Daniel Goodman
- Daniel Pordes
- Danny Gittings
- Darcy Christ
- Dart Cener Ochberg Fellowship
- Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma
- Dart Center Ochberg Fellowship
- Data
- data acquisition
- data analysis
- data journalism
- Data Journalism Fundamentals
- data journalism scholarship
- data privacy
- data visualisation
- databases
- Dateline
- David Bandurski
- David Barboza
- David Burdanski
- David Kaplan
- David Plott
- David Protess
- David Schlesinger
- David W. L. Cheung
- Davos
- Dean Head
- Debtwire
- debunking myths
- decryption
- Defamation Bill
- Deirdre Wang Morris
- Denmark
- Dennis Cadigan
- Department of History
- DePaul University
- Deputy Vice Chanellor
- Desiree Ren
- Dialogue with Filmmakers
- Diana Chan
- Diane Stormont
- Diane Wong
- Diaoyu
- Diego Laje
- digital
- Digital Age
- Digital Asia Hub
- Digital Editing
- digital entrepreneurship
- digital journalism
- Digital journalism principles and tools
- digital media
- Digital Media Entrepreneurship
- digital news
- Digital News Ventures Fund
- digitally native
- diplomacy
- diplomat
- Director of JMSC
- Discovery Channel
- Discovery Channel Magazine
- disinformation
- dissent
- diversity
- documentary
- Documentary Filmmaking
- documentary films
- Documentary Post-Production
- Documentary Production
- Documentary Studies
- Documentary Video Production
- DocumentCloud
- Domestic Helpers
- Domestic Worker Project
- Domestic Workers
- Doreen Weisenhaus
- Doug Meigs
- Doug Young
- Douglas Crets
- Dow Jones
- Dow Jones Newswires
- Dr Liang Hai
- Dr. Hai Liang
- Dr. Paul Gully
- Dr. Wong Chi Chung
- Drank University
- DreamCatchers
- Drew University
- Dymocks
- e-learning
- early childhood development
- Earth
- Ebola
- Echo Hui
- Echo Xu
- Economic Times
- Economist Intelligence Unit
- Ecumenical Institute
- Ecumenical Institute - the World Council of Churches
- Edelmen
- Editorial Cartooning
- editors lab
- Edmund Siu
- education
- Edward Snowden
- Edward Tsoi
- Edward Wong
- edX
- Egypt
- El Salvador
- El Savador
- El Telegrafo
- Elaine Kurtenbach
- Eldes Tran
- Eldres Tran
- eLearning
- Eliot Hall
- eliotHall
- Ellana Lee
- Ellen Cheng Oi Lun
- Ellen Cheung Oi Lun
- Elliott School of International Affairs
- Elmy Leung
- Elmy Lung
- Elte Ngan
- Emma Jia
- encryption
- Engadget
- English Defamation Law
- English Writing and Reporting
- English-Language news
- entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurship Workshop
- environment
- Environmental
- Environmental Communication
- environmental crisis
- Environmental Film Nights
- environmental journalism
- environmental photojournalism
- environmental technology
- epidemics
- Eric Cheung
- Esperanza
- Esther Yu
- Ethan Zuckerman
- ethical
- Ethical Journalism
- ethics
- Ethics. Coalition for Ethical Journalism
- Ethnic Media
- European Centre for Disease Control
- European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
- European Health Forum
- European Journalism Centre
- European Politics
- European Pressphoto Agency
- European public sphere
- Eva Tam
- Evelyn Ho
- Everest Weekly
- Everold N. Hosein
- Evolution of Media Policy and Political Pluralism of Media in China
- extradition bill
- factchecking
- faculty
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Medicine
- fake news
- Fan Di
- Far East Film Festival
- Feature Photography
- fellowship
- Feminism
- Feng Jing
- field research
- Fill in the Blank
- film
- film and theatre journalism
- filmmaking
- filmmaking in China
- Final Cut Pro
- financial journalism
- Financial Times
- Fion Li
- Fireworks
- Flickr
- Flipped classroom
- Fong Hui Yi
- Forbes
- Ford Burkhart
- foreign affairs
- Foreign Aid
- foreign correspondent
- Foreign Correspondents Club Hong Kong
- Foreign Correspondents' Club
- Foreign Domestic Helpers
- foreign policy
- Forever Young
- Forever Young: Unleashing the Magic of Ayurveda
- form
- Fortune
- Fox News
- Foxxcon
- France
- France 24
- Francis Moriarty
- Francis Wong Ka-chun
- Francis Yin
- Frank Proctor
- free speech
- Free Speech Project
- Freedom House
- Freedom of Speech
- freedom of the press
- Freedom of the Press Institute
- Fringe Club
- FT
- FTChinese.com
- Fu King Wa
- Fudan University
- Fudan University’s Journalism School
- Fukushima 50
- Fulbright Fellow
- Functional Constituency
- Fund
- Funice Fung
- Future of Journalism
- Gabrielle Giffords
- Gang Rape
- Gangnam Style
- Gary King
- Geehee Shin
- Gender Bias
- Gender Violence
- Gender-Based Violence
- Gene Mustain
- General Education Unit
- Geneva
- George Brock
- George Soros
- George Washington University
- Georgia McCafferty
- Georgia Southern University
- German Geo
- Germany
- Ghost Town
- Gill Phillips
- global affairs
- global financial crisis
- Global Initiatives Symposium
- Global Investigative Journalism Network
- Global Marathon for Data Visualization
- Global Polio Eradication Initiative
- Global Post
- Global Stories
- global times
- global village
- globallounge
- Gloria Chang Dili
- Gloria Cheung
- Goldsmith College
- Goldsmiths College
- Good Morning America
- Google funded scholarship
- Google News
- Google Scholarship
- Gordon Mathews
- GovLab
- Grace Huang
- Grace Lee
- Grace Tsoi
- graduate
- graduateHouse
- grant
- Grantham Environmental Award
- Grassroots Journalism
- Grassroots Pantry
- Greenpeace
- Greenpeace International
- Griffith Film School
- Guardian
- guest speakers
- guidelines
- H1N1
- H5N1
- H7N9
- hackathon
- hackday
- Haining Liu
- Haiti Earthquake
- hakingWah
- Han Wei
- Han-Teng Liao
- hand code
- Hangzhou Asian Film Festival
- Hanoi
- Harry Roque
- Haruka Nuga
- Harvard
- Harvard Business Review
- Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations Conference
- Harvey Ye
- Hayley Lau
- HCM City
- Health
- health and science journalism
- health reporting
- Health Risk Communication
- Heather Timmons
- Heidi Yeung
- Helen Luk
- Helpers
- Henri Viiralt
- Henry Bradsher
- Henry Williams
- heritage
- Hillary Kong
- Himal Magazine
- Hiram Liu
- Hiroshima
- history
- history of the JMSC
- HK
- HK Arts Festival
- HK Broadband TV
- HK government
- HK Magazine
- HKSAR Government
- HKU Culture and Humanities Fund
- HKU Faculty of Law
- HKU Law
- hku libraries
- HKU Media Law and Policy Workshop
- HKU Press
- HKU Summer Institute
- HKU Taster
- HKU Worldwide Undergraduate Student Exchange Scholarship
- Holden Mann
- Holly Ip
- Homelessness
- Hong Kong
- Hong Kong Blind Union
- Hong Kong Book Fair
- Hong Kong Broadband Network
- Hong Kong Child Safety Conference
- Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra
- Hong Kong Connection
- Hong Kong Copyright Bill
- Hong Kong Documentary Initiative
- Hong Kong Economic Times
- Hong Kong Free Press
- Hong Kong Government
- Hong Kong handover
- Hong Kong History
- Hong Kong International Literary Festival
- Hong Kong Journalists Association
- Hong Kong Magazine
- Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme
- Hong Kong protests
- Hong Kong Public Policy Research Fund
- Hong Kong race course
- Hong Kong Refugee Advice Centre
- Hong Kong Research Grants Council
- Hong Kong Stock Exchange
- Hong Kong University
- Hong Kong university thesis committee
- Honoree
- honors
- Honourable Charles Mok
- honours
- hostile environment training
- How Chinese Netizens Discuss Environmental Conflicts
- how I got my mother a life and a man
- Howard Finberg
- Howard French
- Hua Lu
- Huffington Post
- Hui Yi Fong
- human rights
- Human Rights Press Awards
- Human Rights Watch
- Hung Leung Hau Ling Distinguished Fellow
- hutong
- Hwee Ann Tan
- Hyuk Woo Nam
- i-Cable News
- Ian Holliday
- Ian Lang
- IB World Student Conference
- IB World Student Conference 2013
- ICTs
- Identity
- Ignites Asia
- Illiberal governance conference
- Impact of Social Media on Global Awareness
- In Search Of Perfect Consonance
- In The Hot Zone
- In the Hot Zone: One Man One Year Twenty Wars
- In the Name of the Emperor
- Independent Media
- InDesign
- India
- India Gang Rape
- India's Shame
- Indian fiction
- IndieVoices
- Indonesia
- infographic
- infographic design
- Information Day
- Information Graphics
- Information Technology
- Injoo Sohn
- Innocence Project
- innovation
- innovation advisor
- Institute for News Literacy Fellows in Asia
- Institute for Public Diplomacy and Global Communication
- Institute of Southeast Asian Studies
- intellectual property
- Inter-Collegiate Documentary Competition
- Interactive design
- interactive news
- intern
- international
- International Baccalaureate
- International Documentary Film Festival
- International Finance Centre
- International Herald Tribune
- International Media conference 2010
- International New York Times
- international news
- International Pillow Fight Day
- International Press Institute
- international reporting
- International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
- Internet
- internet entrepreneur
- Internet Media and Society
- Internet Media and Society Class
- internship
- internship diaries
- Internship Fund
- internships
- Internships and Alumni Coordinator
- Investigative Journalism
- investigative journalism in a global world
- Investigative Journalism in China: Eight Cases in Chinese Watchdog
- investigative reporter
- Investigative Reporters & Editors
- Investigative Reporting
- Irene Jay Liu
- iResponsibility: Explore How We Engage in the Online World
- Isaac Cheung
- Isak Ladegaard
- Isak Ladegård
- Italy
- Ivan Broadhead
- Ivan Sigal
- Ivy Zhang
- Jacky Wong
- Jaimi Dowdell
- Jakarta Post
- James Longley
- James Chan Kin Sing
- Jamie K. Wardman
- Japan
- Japan tsunami
- Jardine Scholarship
- Jasmine Siu
- Jason Cheung
- Jason Gatewood
- Jasper Wong
- Jayme Ng
- Jaymee Ng
- Jean H. Lee
- Jean Junchen
- Jean Lee
- Jee Hee Lim
- JEF Beijing
- Jeff Timmermans
- Jeffrey Timmermans
- Jennfer Jett
- Jennifer Jett
- Jenny Zhang
- Jeremiah Foo
- Jessica Park
- Jessy Yao
- Jhak Pun Magar
- Jiang Xue
- Jim Gould
- Jim Laurie
- Jing Yang
- JMSC ABC News on Campus
- JMSC Alumni
- JMSC alumnus
- jmsc authors
- JMSC courses
- JMSC Digital Media Lab
- JMSC director
- jmsc events
- JMSC faculty
- JMSC inaugural talk
- JMSC Industry Seminar Series
- JMSC Internships
- JMSC iOS app
- JMSC jobs
- JMSC journalism awards
- JMSC Journalist Grant Scheme
- JMSC Media Lab
- JMSC News on Campus
- JMSC Program
- JMSC Public Courses
- JMSC radio course
- JMSC Research Seminar
- JMSC scholarship
- JMSC staff
- JMSC Students
- JMSC workshops
- JMSC6048
- Jo Peng
- Joan Chen
- Joanne Lam
- Job Fair
- Joel Gurin
- John Chu
- John Northcott
- John Rainford
- John Rich
- John Roderick
- Joichi Ito
- Jojje Olson
- Jonathan Campbell
- Jonathan Stray
- Jörg Lau
- Jose Rueda
- Joseph Appiah-Dolphyne
- Josephia Feng
- Journal of Risk Research
- Journalism
- journalism and influenza
- journalism awards
- journalism career
- journalism careers
- Journalism Conference
- journalism degree
- Journalism Education Foundation
- Journalism Education Foundation Hong Kong Limited
- journalism internships
- Journalism Job Fair
- Journalism Jobs
- Journalism master
- journalism program
- journalism recruiting
- Journalism research
- Journalism school
- Journalism Students
- Journalist
- Journalist of the Year
- Journalist Wall of Shame
- Journalists
- Joyce Choi
- Joyce Liu
- Joyce Nip
- Joyce Xu
- Juan Velasco
- Judith Clarke
- Judith Neilson Institute
- Julian Assange
- Julian Gaertner
- Juliana Liu
- July 1 Protest
- Justin Heifetz
- Justine Tai
- Ka Ho Ng
- Kabul
- Kaiser Kuo
- KakaoTalk
- Kanupriya Kapoor
- Karen Chang
- Karen Smith
- Karen Zhang
- Kathleen Ngai
- Kathmandu
- Kees Metselaar
- Keith Richburg
- keithrichburg
- Ken Brown
- Ken Moritsugu
- Ketan Chitnis
- Kevin Cureau
- Kevin Drew
- Kevin Lau
- Kevin Sites
- Kevin Sites in the Hot Zone
- Khmer Rouge
- Khmer Rouge tribunal
- Killing Stories
- King Arthur
- King-wa Fu
- King’s Centre for Risk Management
- King’s College London
- Kirti Nandwani
- Kitty Ho
- knife attack
- Knight Foundation
- Knight News Challenge Prize
- Knopf
- Koney Bai
- Konstantin Riffler
- Korea
- Kristie Lu Stout
- Kristina Perez
- Kung Wing Kei Vicky
- Kunquu
- Kurt Achin
- Kwun cheung Chan
- LA Times
- Lam Vo
- Laos
- Lap-Chee Tsui
- Lareina Choong
- Last Week in Reality
- Late Night Live
- Laura Ma
- Laurella & Wallin förlag
- Lauren Dockett
- law
- Law Reform
- Law Wing Chung
- Lawrence Lessig
- Leanne Lee
- Lee Hysan Foundation
- Lee Shau Kee Scholarship
- Legco
- Lehman Brothers
- Leidan University
- Leo Goodstadt
- Leung Ho Yin Nicholas
- Leveson Inquiry
- Lhagva Erdene
- Li Li
- Li-Fung Cho
- Liberation Auteur
- libraryExtension
- Life
- Lifen Zhang
- Lifestyle Asia
- Lilian Kwok Lai-yi
- Lily Lu
- Lin Tsz-nok
- Line
- Linn Schjerven
- Lisa Khoo
- Lisa Onland
- Literary Journalism
- Liu Heung Shing
- Liu Jiayi
- Liu Lu
- Liu Wei
- Liu Yang
- live coverage
- live news
- Living in the Shadow
- Lloyd's List
- lokeYewHall
- Lokman Tsui
- London School of Economics
- Lord Anthony Lester QC
- Lord Dyson
- Lorea Solabarrieta
- Lorraine Hahn
- Los Angeles Times
- Lui Hong
- Lui Lok Hang
- Lukas Messmer
- Lydia Sung
- Ma Ning
- Mabel Sieh
- Mable Chan
- Macmillan
- Mae Sot
- Magazine Design
- Maggie Leung
- Magic 20
- Maha Shah
- Mai Jun
- Making sense of news
- Making Sense of the News
- Malaysia
- malaysiak
- Malaysiakini
- Malhotra Hora
- Mali
- Malik Imtiza Sarwar
- Malik Peiris
- Mammogram
- Mandy Lai
- Manon Pierre
- MAP Course
- MAP Courses
- March of the Penguins
- Marco Lui
- Maria Rieckelman
- Marianne bray
- marine pollution
- Mark Erder
- Mark Horvit
- Mark Stephens
- Marketing
- Marta Colombo
- Martin Hala
- Martin Murphy
- Mary Lui
- Maryknoll Convent School
- Maryknoll Sisters
- Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic
- Masashi Crete-Nishihata
- masato
- Masato Kajimoto
- mashup
- massive online open course
- massive open online course
- Massoud Hossaini
- Master
- Master of Journalism
- Master of Journalism admissions
- Master of Journalism programme
- Master of Philosophy in Journalism
- Master of Public Policy
- Mat
- Matt Harding
- Matt Ma
- Matt Walsh
- Maureen Sabine
- Mayella Cheung
- meda
- Media
- Media Academy for Pros
- media and depression
- Media and Public Sphere
- Media Bias
- Media Defense-South East Asia
- Media Development Loan Fund
- Media Digest
- Media Entrepreneurship
- Media Entrepreneurship Pitch Session
- media entrpreneurship
- media freedom
- media innovation
- media law
- Media Law and Ethics
- Media Law and Policy in the Internet Age
- Media Law Conference
- media law project
- media literacy
- Media Pluralism
- Media Reporting of the 2009 Influenza Pandemic in Hong Kong
- Media Research Class
- media skills
- media training
- Media-X
- Mediative
- Medical Ethics and Humanities Unit of the Li Ka-Shing Faculty of Medicine
- Medill School of Journalism
- Meedan
- Melbourne University
- Melinda Frost
- Melissa Kronenberg
- Meme Tracker
- Meng Ren
- mengWah
- Mental Health Promotion Programme
- Mergermarket
- MERS Coronavirus
- metadata
- Metro Express
- Mexico
- Mexin Zhu
- Michael Coyne
- Michael Forsythe
- Michael Hartmann
- Michael Kim
- Michael Schuman
- Michael Yiannakis
- Michelle Ho
- Michelle Lok
- Michelle Yun
- Mick Deane
- Mick Deane Scholarship
- microblogging
- Microsoft
- Microsoft Excel
- Middle East
- Mike Chinoy
- Mike Hammer
- Mike Meyer
- Miklos Sukosd
- Mimi Tong
- Min-Seok Kim
- Minamisanriku
- Ming Pao
- Mingmei Jiang
- mini-semester
- misinformation
- Missouri School of Journalism
- MIT Media Lab
- mizzima
- MJ
- MJ Admissions
- MJ program
- MJ programme
- Mo Lai Ching
- mobile
- Mobile Journalism
- modern media
- Monami Mui
- Money for Nothing
- Money Magazine
- Mong Kok
- Mongol TV
- Mongolia
- Mongolia Press Council
- monkey
- Morley Safer
- Mozilla
- multi-media
- multimedia
- Multimedia News Presentation
- Munk School of Global Affairs
- Muse
- Muse Magazine
- Museum
- Museum of Chinese in America
- music
- My Life
- My Voice
- myanmar
- myanmar times
- N3Con
- Nagasaki
- Nancy Dai
- Nancy Law
- Nancy Tong
- Naomi Ng
- Naonori Kohira
- Nashville Film Festival
- Natalie Deng Ning
- Natalie Wang
- Natasha Khan
- Nathan Griffiths
- National Committee of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
- National Geographic
- National People's Congress
- National People's Congress of China
- National Press Photographers Association
- National Public Radio
- National Security Agency
- Natural Medicine
- Naushin Ahmed
- NBC News
- Nepal
- Nepal Times
- nepalnews.com
- Never Sorry
- Nevin Nie
- New America Medai
- New Book Release Presentation
- new media
- New Media Conference
- New Now Next Media Conference
- new staff
- new students
- New York
- New York Daily Times
- New York Times
- New York Times Latitude Blog
- New York University
- New Zealand
- news
- News International
- news literacy
- news literacy curriculum
- News Literacy Education
- News Literacy Fellow at JMSC
- News Literacy Project
- News Photography
- News Stream
- Newspaper Design
- newsroom
- Newsweek
- Next Magazine
- NEXTmedia
- Ng Tze-wei
- Ng Yuk-hang
- Ngee Ann Polytechnic
- NHK World
- Nicholas Diokopoulos
- Nicholas Doalpoulos
- Nicholas Leung
- Nick Diakopoulos
- Nick Ut
- Nicky Lee
- Nicky Ngm Qian Xu
- Nicole Pabello
- Nicole Xu
- Nicole Xu Ke
- Nieman Journalism Fellow
- Night at Science Museum
- Night at the Art Museum
- Night at the Museum
- Nightcamp
- Nightline
- Nine Beats Education Institution for Modern Music
- Nino Lin
- Nobel Peace Prize
- Nordic Aid
- North Base Media
- North Korea
- Northwestern University
- Nov Povleakhena
- novel
- Now TV
- Nowhere to Hide
- NPPA Monthly Media Contest
- nuclear industry
- Nuns
- Oanh Ha
- Obama
- Occupy Central
- Odd Arne Westad
- Ogilvy & Mather Hong Kong
- OJ Simpson
- Olga Wong
- Olivia Rosenman
- Ombudsman
- One World Report
- online data collection
- online human communication
- online journalism
- online media
- Online media skills
- online service providers
- Open Call Asia
- Open Data
- Open Data 500
- Open Government Project
- Open Knowledge Foundation
- OpenGov Project
- Operation Meade River
- Operation Mom
- opinion writing
- Opium War
- OR Media
- orientation
- Oscars
- Osher Center for Integrative Medicine
- Ossing
- Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital
- Our Story
- Outbreak Communication Guidelines
- Outernet
- Overfishing
- Overseas Press Club Award
- Overview
- Overview Project
- Oxford
- Oxford Internet Institute
- Paavan Mathema
- paid plasma donation
- Pan Macmillan
- Pan Macmillan India
- pandemic
- Paola Barisani
- parody
- Patrick Boehler
- Paul Cheung
- Paul Gully
- Paul Mooney
- Paul Saffo
- Peggy Shen
- Peggy Valcke
- peking
- Peking- Förändringarnas stad
- Pembroke-King Programme Scholarship
- People's Daily
- People's Daily Overseas Edition
- perinatal care
- Peter Arnett
- Peter Herford
- Peter Hessler
- Peter Jennings
- Peter Yu
- Phan Thi Kim Phuc
- PhD in Journalism
- philanthropy
- Philippe Massonnet
- Philippines
- Phillippa Stewart
- Phnom Penh Post
- Phoebe Peng
- Phoenix TV
- Phoenix Woodworks
- Phone Hacking Scandal
- photo
- photo ethics
- photo journalism
- photographer
- photography
- photojournalism
- Photojournalism @ HKU
- Photojournalism@HKU
- Photos
- Photoshop
- Phuket Wan
- plug-in
- Podcast
- Podcasts
- Pokfulam village
- polio
- Politburo Standing Committee
- Political Participation and Media Use in HK and China
- politics
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- postgraduate
- poynter
- Premier Wen Jiabao
- Premiere
- press freedom
- press restrictions
- pressfreedom
- Princess Monoke
- Priscilla Cheung
- Priscilla Lee
- Priscilla Ng
- privacy
- Private Television Ownership in Bangladesh: A Critical Inquiry
- production
- Prof Ying Chan
- Profess Fu King-wa
- professional
- Professional Practice Manager
- Professional Practise Manager
- professionalism
- Professor and Head of Journalism
- Professor Chan
- Professor George Brock
- Professor Ian Holliday
- Professor Miklos Sukosd
- Professor Richard Wong
- Professor Thomas Abraham
- Professor Ying Chan
- Programme for Comparative Media Law and Policy
- Project for Public Culture
- projects
- propaganda
- protests
- Prototype
- Public Affairs Reporting
- Public Expression
- public health
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- public health communication programme
- Public Health Communications
- public Health Media Programme
- Public Health Media Project
- public opinion Hong Kong
- public service announcements in China
- publication
- Pui-king Chan
- Puja Kapai
- Pulitzer Prize
- Pulitzer Prize International Reporting
- python
- Qianjiang Evening News
- Qik
- qik.com
- Qing Dynasty
- Quartz
- Quiteria Leung
- Rachel Li
- Radio
- Radio News Production
- Radio One
- Radio Television Hong Kong
- Rain Lau
- Ramy Incencio
- Ramy Inocencio
- Rape
- Raymond Cheng
- Raymond Wong
- Raymond Yeung
- Rayne Yuen Wai Yin
- Reader's Digest
- Realization Plan
- Rebecca Valli
- Reenita Malhotra
- Reenita Malhotra Hora
- Reflections of a Mainland Publisher
- Refugee Children
- Refugee Clinical Assistance Programme
- Refugees
- Reg Chua
- relevancy
- Reluctant Regulators: How the West Created and China Survived the Global Financial Crisis
- Remembering
- Rennes University
- reporting on the frontlines
- Reporting the Global Financial Crisis
- Research
- Research Grants Council
- Research Seminar
- Research Seminars
- Reuters
- Richard Frank
- Richard Hornik
- Richard Hu Weixing
- Richard Schuster
- rights exposure
- risk communication
- Ro Pui Man
- Rob McBride
- Rob Schmitz
- Robert Elegant
- Robert Keatley
- Robin Pang
- Robyn Meredith
- Rock and Roll
- Rogier Creemers
- Rohingya
- Rohingya Muslims
- Roland Chin
- Ronald Tam
- Ross Settles
- Roy Ching
- Roy Rowan
- RT
- RTHK Radio 3
- Ruby Yang
- Ruby Yang Workshop
- ruling party
- Rupert Murdock
- Russia
- Russia Today
- Rusty Todd
- Rutgers University
- Saga McFarland
- Sally Lam
- Salubrious Nation
- Samantha Wang
- samizdat
- Samsung
- Samsung products
- San Francisco Chronicle
- San Jose Mercury News
- Sanday Chongo Kabange
- Sane
- Sarah Spaeth
- Sarasota Film Festival
- Sasa Vucinic
- Saudi Arabia
- Saul Sugarman
- Savannah College of Art and Design
- Scholarship
- School of Humanities
- School of Public Health
- Science Museum
- Sciences Po
- SCMP Wah Kiu Yat Po Journalism Fund
- SCMP Wah Kiu Yat Po Scholarship Fund
- screenings
- Seattle Post-intelligencer
- Sebastian Lindstrom
- Secretary of State for Public Affairs
- security
- security policy
- seed funding
- seminar
- Seoul
- Sergio Held
- Sergio Held Otero
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
- Sexual Violence
- Shaad Baig
- Shahidul Alam
- Shanghai
- Shanghai A History in Photographs 1842 to Today
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Shanghai Study Centre
- Shanghaiist
- Shao Xiaoyi
- Shari Nijman
- shark finning
- Sharron Fast
- Sheena Yap
- Sheffield Documentary Festival
- Sheila Coronel
- Shen Dingli
- Shephanie Kwan
- Sheridan Prasso
- Sherry Zhang
- Shinichi Terada
- Shirley Xiao
- Shirley Yan
- Shishak Monthly
- Shue Yan University
- Sichuan Project
- sign up
- Simon Young
- Sina Weibo
- Sina.com
- Sing Tao Daily
- Sing Tao Evening News
- Singapore
- Sino-Japanese War
- Sir Man Kam Lo
- Sir Man Kam Lo/Jardine Scholarship
- Sites
- Sky Canaves
- Sky News
- Skype
- smart glass
- sniper
- Snowden
- Social Inclusion A
- Social Inclusion Activities Grant
- Social Inclusion Grant
- Social Media
- social media marketing
- social networks
- Society for News Design Chinese
- Society of Publishers in Asia
- soft power
- Sohu.com
- Sol Han
- Solve for Tomorrow
- Son Han
- Song Shinan
- Songyao Ren
- Soo-Jin Kim
- SOPA Awards
- SOPA Awards 2013
- SOPA Awards 2014
- SOPA's Awards for Editorial Excellence
- Sophia Qian Xu
- Sophia Xu Qian
- Sophie Brown
- South China Morning Post
- South China Morning Post Wah Kiu Yat Po
- South China Sea
- South Korea
- Southeast Asia
- Southern Metropolis China
- Southern Metropolis Daily
- Southern Weekly
- speakers
- Special Coverage
- Spotlight
- St. Anthony's College.
- staff
- Standard Charter
- Stanford Law School
- Stanley Karnow
- Stars and Stripes
- Stella Ko
- Stephanie Burnett
- Stephanie Ip
- Stephanie Kwan
- Stephen Gilbert
- Stephen McKeever
- Steve Herman
- Steve Miller
- Steven Hsieh
- Stony Brook
- Stony Brook University
- Stony Brook University School of Journalism
- Storify
- Storyful
- strapline
- Stuart Biggs
- Stuart Lau
- student
- student lounge
- student work
- students
- studio
- Su Xin Qi
- Suhani Jain
- Suicide Bombing
- Suicide research
- summer course
- Summer internship workshop
- Summer Programme
- Summer Volunteer Program
- Sun Yat-Sen University’s Communication and Design School
- Sundance Film Festival
- SunTV
- surveillance
- sustainable development
- Swe Win
- Swine flu
- SXSW Festival
- Sydney Morning Herald
- Syed Karim
- Sylvia Chan
- TableTalk.Asia
- Tae-hoon Lee
- Taipei
- Taiwan
- Tajiks
- Takka Wong
- Talk Asia
- TalkAsia
- Talking Points Memo
- talks
- Tam Ka Kei Katie
- Tammy Allman
- Tanzania
- Tarana Akbari
- Teaching and Learning
- Teaching Assistant
- Technology
- technology for environment
- technology for the environment
- Ted Koppel
- TEDxVictoriaHarbour
- Television News Production
- Television News Writing
- television reporting
- Temily Gopan
- Temily Tianmay Gopan
- terrorism
- Tesa Arcila
- Tesa Arcilla
- Thailand
- Thandiwe Moyo
- The Art and Craft of Documentary Filmmaking
- the Associated Press
- The Baltimore Sun
- The Bangkok Post
- The Beijing News
- The Blood of Yingzhou District
- The Boston Globe
- The Changqing Faces of American Television News
- The Cove
- The Daily Telegraph
- the drinks business
- The Echo
- The Elephant and the Dragon
- The Financial Times
- The Flaming Lips
- The Ground Truth Project
- The Guardian
- The High Life
- The Hindu
- the Hong Kong University Graduate Association (HKUGA) Journalism Fund
- The Host
- The Indonesia Channel
- the irrawaddy
- The Jakarta Globe
- The Jakarta Post
- the JMSC Journalist Scholarship
- the JMSC Overseas Talent Scholarship
- the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas
- The Lancet
- The Last Villagers
- the Lee Kam Woon and Shum Shuk Yuen Education Fund
- The Lightbulb Conspiracy
- The Myth of Morgan la Fey
- The Nation
- The Nepali Times
- The Netherlands
- The New York Times
- The New Yorker
- The Open Internet
- The Pearl Report
- The Poynter Institute
- The Road From Trinity
- The Road to 1911: A Visual History
- The Scoop Award
- The Society of Publishers in Asia
- The Standard
- The Telegraph
- The Things They Cannot Say
- The Things They Cannot Say: Stories Soldiers Won’t Tell You
- The Times
- The Umbrella Movement
- The University of Hong Kong
- The unraveling of Tom Hayes
- The Wall Street Journal
- The Warriors of Qiugang
- The Washington Post
- the William F. Woo Memorial Journalism Education Fund
- The World Association of Christian Communication
- theatre reviews
- Think Map
- This American Life
- Thomas Abraham
- Thomas Crampton
- Thomas Lennon
- Thomson Reuters
- Thomson Reuters PR
- Three Missing Pages
- Through Women's Eyes
- Tiananmen Square
- Tiananmen Square crisis
- Tim Berners-Lee
- Tim Cheung
- Tim Summers
- Time
- Time Magazine
- Time Out Hong Kong
- TimeOut HK
- Times Literary Supplement
- Times of India
- Times of London
- Timothy Garton Ash
- Tohoku earthquake coverage
- Tokyo
- Tom Grundy
- Tom Wright
- Tongzhi in Love
- Tony Yoo
- Tracy Lam
- Tracy Tong
- Trailblazers in Habits
- trailer
- translation
- transparency
- Trauma journalism
- Trauma reporting
- Trelleborg Allehanda
- Trump
- Tsinghua University’s Journalism and Communication School
- Tsz Ching Tong
- Tu Zhengliang
- TV news production
- TV News Writing
- TV producer
- TV reporting
- TV2 - The Facts
- TVB Jade
- TVB Pearl
- Twenty-First Century Plague
- Twitter Data
- U.S.-China Institute at the University of Southern California
- Umbrella Movement
- undergrad
- undergraduate
- Underground Print Culture and Independent Political Communication in Communist Regimes at the Printing in the Age of Smart Media
- UNICEF Vietnam
- United Nations
- United States
- Universal suffrage
- University Development Fund
- University Museum and Art Gallery
- University of Bratislava
- University of California at San Francisco
- University of Cambridge
- University of Erlangen-Nuremburg
- University of Geneva
- University of Georgia
- University of Heidelberg
- University of Hong Kong
- University of Hong Kong Student Prize Ceremony
- University of Illinois at Champaign Urbana
- University of London
- University of Maryland
- University of Massachusetts Amherst
- University of Missouri
- University of Missouri-Columbia
- University of Oxford
- University of Prague
- University of Southern California
- University of Sydney
- University of Toronto
- University. News. People.
- US State Department
- US-China
- US-China Institute
- USA Today
- user data
- Using Online Media to Encourage Help-seeking for Depression
- UStream
- Uzbeks
- vaccination
- Vail Film Festival
- vancouver sun
- Vanessa Ko
- Vedika Daswani
- Velentina Ma
- Venus Yiu
- verification
- veteran journalists
- Veterans
- Vice
- Vice-Chancellor
- Vice.com
- Vicky Kung
- victor mallet
- video
- Video
- Video Journalism
- video production
- Videolyzer
- Vietnam
- Vietnam Veterans
- Vietnam War
- Viewfinder
- Viktor Mayer-Schönberger
- Vincent Du
- violence
- visual journalism
- visual journalist
- visual media
- Visual Moments
- Visualization
- Vivian Kwok
- Vivian Mak
- Vivien Ng
- Vocational Training Council
- Voice of America
- Vox Asia
- Vox Event Analytics
- vox-asia.com
- Wage Indicator Foundation
- Wall Street Journal
- Wall Street Journal Asia
- Walter Kwok Scholarship
- Waltraut Ritter
- Wang Jiapeng
- Wang Keqin
- Wang Xiaojie
- War
- war correspondent
- war reporter
- War reporting
- warlords
- Washington Post
- We Care
- We the Media
- web editor
- Web Mining Laboratory
- Webby Awards
- Webinar
- weblog
- weblogs
- wechatscope
- Wei Wei
- Weiboscope
- Weiboscope English
- WeiboTrends
- WeiboTrendsPro
- Welcome
- wemedia
- Wen Jiabao
- Wen Wei Po
- Wendy Tang
- Weng Xiaoying
- Wenping Wang
- West Africa
- West of East: Media in Central and Eastern Europe Eurasia and China at the Media and Democracy
- Western Media
- Westside Stories
- whaling
- whattookyousolong.org
- Who Killed Vi
- Who Killed Vincent Chin
- Who Runs Hong Kong
- WhoRunsHK
- Wikileaks
- Wikipedia Revolution
- William Chang
- William F. Woo Memorial Journalism Education Fund
- wine journalism
- wine reporting
- Winnie Shum
- Winnie So
- Wires
- women's issues
- Women's Liberation
- Word (World) of Yours
- WordPress
- workshop
- World AIDS Day
- World Economic Forum
- World Editors Forum
- World Health Organization
- world press photo
- World War II
- World Watch
- worldpress
- WrenMedia UK
- Writer
- writerinresidence
- Writing In(to) Architecture: China's Architectural Design and Construction Since 1949
- Wukan
- Xeni Jardin
- Xi Jinping
- Xiao Shu
- Xinle Jia
- Xinyan Yu
- Xu Xun
- Xun Huan Zho Le
- Yahoo
- Yale University
- Yan Huichang
- Yannie Chan
- yaogun
- Yaruunaa Oyunbazar
- Yazhou Zhoukan
- Yennie Chan
- Ying Chan
- Yoichi Kato
- Yolanda Ma
- You Can Write Better English
- Youku
- Youtube
- Yu Shunxi
- Yuen Ying Chan
- Yuki Cheung
- Yulin
- Yumiko Ono
- Yvonne Tong
- Zakiyyah Wahab
- Zambia
- zambian bloggers network
- Zeb Eckert
- Zela Chin
- Zhan Jiang
- Zhang Junhua
- Zhang Menghui
- Zhang Ming
- Zhao Dayong
- Zhao Liang
- Zhejiang-Mali Medical Aid Team
- Zhnag Qianye
- Zhou Ping
- Zhou Yongkan
- Zhu Xuedong
- Zhuang Xueya
- Zimbabwe