11 December 2018

JMSC alumni named best newcomers at institutional press awards

  Two of our recent graduates were honoured at this year’s State Street Institutional Press Awards, Asia Pacific. Ernest Chan (MJ 2017) was named “Best Newcomer” for his piece, “Investing amid uncertainty”, for AsianInvestor. Suhas Bhat (MJ 2018), […]
26 April 2016

Investigating financial scandals requires patience, says 2016 Pulitzer Prize nominee

Investigating financial scandals isn’t always sexy and requires the patience to sift through mounds of financial disclosure documents, The Wall Street Journal’s Tom Wright has told JMSC students. Wright, Asia Economics Editor for the Journal, […]
6 January 2016

Growing in an international media organisation – Huang Zheping

Earlier last year at Shanghai’s seventh annual ‘Love and Marriage Expo’, thousands of single people under the age of 40 gathered, looking for their potential other halves. Surrounded by marriage-seeking young people, their parents and […]
17 December 2013

Two Veteran Journalists from Top U.S. News Organizations Join JMSC Faculty

Two seasoned journalists from The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times have joined the Journalism and Media Studies Centre as Adjust Professors. Adam Najberg (WSJ) will be teaching a course on financial journalism, while Brian Zittel (NYT) will teach opinion writing. Both stress the importance of "telling a good story."
8 September 2011

New RTHK Finance Programme Co-Fronted by JMSC Alumnus

Hong Kong’s RTHK Radio 3 launched a new business and finance show on September 5, 2011 co-fronted by recent MJ graduate, Reenita Malhotra Hora.   Money for Nothing is also co-produced and co-presented by RTHK’s Bryan Curtis […]