Incoming students of the Journalism and Media Studies Centre got their journalism training off to an early start in mid-August, covering the IB World Student Conference in real time. The new Bachelor of Journalism and […]
Two students in the JMSC’s Master of Journalism programme have produced an interactive timeline of the recent National Security Agency intelligence leaks – which made headlines all over the world – that was picked up by […]
The American artist Andy Warhol once famously said, “In the future, everyone will be world famous for 15 minutes”. JMSC Bachelor of Journalism (BJ) students recently gave over 600 teenagers from 56 Hong Kong Secondary Schools […]
The JMSC offered a series of two-hour-long workshops teaching on-line, photography and video editing skills. The worshops, which accommodated 10 to 15 people each, were run during the University of Hong Kong’s reading weeks or at the […]
Kitty Ho BJ (HKU) Teaching Assistant AJ Libunao BA Studio Arts (UC Irvine), MSc (HKPU) Online Media Producer / Tutor Anne Kruger BA (USQ), GradDipArts (USQ), GradDipFET (USQ), MA Journalism (research) candidate (QUT) […]
The assignment would make a hardened war correspondent tremble: cover a pair of science camps spent locked up overnight in a museum with 300 teenagers on two consecutive Fridays.
This year’s incoming Master of Journalism students will have their orientation on Thursday, August 25, hosted by JMSC professors, faculty and alumni at the University’s Global Lounge. The orientation includes a morning meet-and-greet between students […]