JMSC students faced challenges including keeping up with Aung San Suu Kyi during a walkabout, audio dubbing the voice of Hong Kong Chief Executive CY Leung, and paragliding high above a valley in Nepal during […]
Persistence, independence, proactive pitching and “doing your homework” are key lessons for all budding journalists, according to the experience of JMSC masters students.
Graduate students at the Journalism and Media Studies Centre recently returned from winter internships all over the world with a lot of experience and quite a few published articles under their belts. JMSC students had their […]
Anna-Karin Lampou, a Master of Journalism student from Sweden, is interning at the Nepali Times in Kathmandu, Nepal for six weeks over winter break. Here is what it was like for her last week: December 16 Sunday […]
JMSC students have landed 70 internships at media companies in 10 countries over the fall semester and winter break. The number of internships is a quarter higher than last year and the highest for one […]
Investigative Journalism in a Global World is a Media Academy for Pros (MAP) course taught in the summer by Visiting Professor, Sheila Coronel, and Honorary Lecturer, Chan Pui King. The course looks at cross-border issues […]