As a foreign student whose native language is not English, you have to focus on your other strengths to get the internships you want, according to French-born MJ 2013 graduate, Kevin Cureau.
AAJA-Asia will be hosting its first ever multi-city online journalism event on Nov. 29. Two panels with several top speakers and experienced journalists from across Asia will meet, in person and online, to talk shop. Find out where people are meeting in your city and come join the discussion!
Three new media project ideas – an online platform about violence against women in Hong Kong and China, a video game to help treat depression in women, and an independent media outlet for Myanmar – […]
When professional journalists from all over Asia and North America arrived at Hong Kong University for the New.Now.Next Media Conference (N3Con) last weekend, they were greeted by a press corps of JMSC students. The N3Con team – which consisted […]
Registration is now open for the third annual New Media Conference hosted by the JMSC and the Asia chapter of the Asian-American Journalists Association in Hong Kong. This year’s conference, entitled New.Now.Next (N3), will take place at […]