The Journalism and Media Studies Centre's networks with leading international media organisations have helped build one of the most dynamic journalism internship programmes in the world.
While many students work in Hong Kong and cities in mainland China, there have also been opportunities to intern at media organisations in Bangalore, Jakarta, Karachi, Kathmandu, Kuala Lumpur, London, Manila, Seoul, Singapore, Melbourne, Cape Town, Copenhagen, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington, DC, and Yangon.
In many cases, these global internships have led to full-time employment.

Our internship partners include:
Local English-language and international media: News Corporation, AFP, CNN, NBC, CCTV (Hong Kong Station), CNBC Asia, Voice of America, Associated Press, Bloomberg News & Television, Far Eastern Economic Review, Newsweek, International New York Times, South China Morning Post, The Standard, Thomson Reuters, The Wall Street Journal Asia
Local Chinese-language media: TVB,, Phoenix TV, RTHK, Commercial Radio, Hong Kong Cable Television Limited (HKIBC), HK01, Master Insight, Hong Kong Economic Times, Ming Pao, Sing Tao Daily, Wen Wei Po, Headline Daily, AM730, Yazhou Zhoukan, City Magazine, East Week, U Magazine
PRC media: CCTV (Beijing), Shanghai Television Station (Shanghai), Shanghai Media Group (Shanghai), China Radio International (Beijing), China Daily (Beijing), Shanghai Daily, Southern Weekend (Guangzhou), 21st Century World Herald (Guangzhou), Caixin (Beijing), Sixth Tone (Shanghai)
Overseas media: New York Daily News (New York City), Agence France-Presse (Seoul/Tokyo), NBC (London),The Nation (Bangkok), National Geographic Traveler, New American Media (San Francisco), WGBH TV (Boston), KCTS TV (Seattle), WNYC Public Radio (New York), WRTI-FM (Philadelphia), Associated Press (Bangkok), Pakistan Press Foundation (Karachi), (Kuala Lumpur), Nepali Times
JMSC Internship Subsidy Application Form (Deadline: August 9, 2024)