Amy Ha, a Bachelor of Journalism student from Hong Kong, recently completed a two month internship at the People’s Daily, the main organ of the Chinese Communist Party. Here is what her experience was like: The […]
Students of the Journalism and Media Studies Centre have picked up a total of 68 jobs and internships over the spring and summer through the JMSC Careers and Internships programme. The placements bring the overall number of jobs […]
When professional journalists from all over Asia and North America arrived at Hong Kong University for the New.Now.Next Media Conference (N3Con) last weekend, they were greeted by a press corps of JMSC students. The N3Con team – which consisted […]
The American artist Andy Warhol once famously said, “In the future, everyone will be world famous for 15 minutes”. JMSC Bachelor of Journalism (BJ) students recently gave over 600 teenagers from 56 Hong Kong Secondary Schools […]
The Hong Kong Broadband Network (HKBN), one of Hong Kong’s three major cable providers, is running packages produced by JMSC students. The students made two-to-three-minute TV packages in Cantonese for the network about summer sports […]