23 January 2017

From Mexico to Hong Kong: starting a career as a business and financial journalist

Nicole Pabello comes from Veracruz, a state in Mexico which has been described as one of the most dangerous places for journalists in Latin America. It’s a world away from Hong Kong, the city which […]
26 April 2016

Investigating financial scandals requires patience, says 2016 Pulitzer Prize nominee

Investigating financial scandals isn’t always sexy and requires the patience to sift through mounds of financial disclosure documents, The Wall Street Journal’s Tom Wright has told JMSC students. Wright, Asia Economics Editor for the Journal, […]
28 July 2011

MJs Excel at JMSC Specialist Subjects in Journalism

More than half of last year's master's intake chose to specialise in one of three specialist areas of study introduced for Master of Journalism students in 2010-2011. Twenty-six students specialised in Business and Financial Journalism, four took Environmental, Health and Science Journalism and opted for China Studies.