6 January 2016

Growing in an international media organisation – Huang Zheping

Earlier last year at Shanghai’s seventh annual ‘Love and Marriage Expo’, thousands of single people under the age of 40 gathered, looking for their potential other halves. Surrounded by marriage-seeking young people, their parents and […]
7 November 2014

JMSC master’s students hit the big time with reporting on Hong Kong protests

JMSC master of journalism students reporting on the Hong Kong Occupy Central protests have achieved great success with their stories, photos and videos published by major media organisations around the world.
15 October 2013

Online Business Site “Quartz” Pushing New Journalism Model

A new online business website, "Quartz," has entered into an innovative collaborative arrangement with the JMSC, opening up possibilities for students. The company has introduced a new journalism model targeting the "digitally native." Its content and design reflect a changing readership that wants shorter articles with graphics and longer analytical pieces. And its reporters are given freer rein, responsible for content, headlines, and graphics.
9 October 2013

Bringing the buzz back to business news: New models for online journalism

As traditional newspapers and magazines fold or struggle to make money in the United States, a host of new online-only news outlets are thriving. Quartz is a "digitally native" business publication from Atlantic Media, publishers of The Atlantic Monthly, the literary and investigative journalism magazine first published in 1857. Quartz just celebrated its first anniversary and recently surpassed The Economist in US online readers (it is edging up on the Financial Times in the US as well). How and why has it found this audience, and what is it doing differently?