“The Umbrella Movement”, a documentary about Hong Kong’s pro-democracy “Occupy” protests that was produced and directed by a group of JMSC Master of Journalism students, has been named an ‘Honoree’ in the prestigious Webby Awards, […]
Preliminary results of the social network analysis of the Hong Kong Facebook pages sharing network collected during the “Umbrella Movement” are used to discover the communities within the network and how these communities contributed to the public opinion formation. The findings suggest that large communities of Facebook pages seem to be grouped by political ideologies and their post-sharing activities were associated with real-life public opinion.
A documentary made by JMSC master of journalism students about the Hong Kong pro-democracy movement has premiered on the website of major U.S. television network, MSNBC.
The JMSC is expanding its news literacy programme across the Asia Pacific and aims to educate people on ways to think critically about the news they consume and how to tell whether factual news may be fabrication.
JMSC master of journalism students reporting on the Hong Kong Occupy Central protests have achieved great success with their stories, photos and videos published by major media organisations around the world.
The bi-lingual site, called VerifiedHK, provides fact-checked protest information including reliable news reports, photos and logistics updates through Facebook and Twitter, and also responds to individual requests for verified information through Google.
As thousands of pro-democracy activists block Hong Kong streets to demand the right to choose their own Chief Executive, students from the JMSC have formed on-the-ground news teams to cover this historic event.