Grace Huang (MJ 2013) talks about preparing for her CNN internship
10 December 2014
Recent graduate Georgia McCafferty on studying the Master of Journalism programme
24 August 2015Tips on how to get an internship from MJ 2014 Kevin Cureau

As a foreign student whose native language is not English, you have to focus on your other strengths to get the internships you want, according to French-born MJ 2013 graduate, Kevin Cureau.
Kevin, who now freelances as a video journalist for BBC News and Wall Street Journal, first found his footing when he utilized his mother tongue, French, to nab an internship with news agency AFP.
“Along with the video editing that I was doing, they made me do a lot of French to English translation. I was also doing a couple voiceovers, both in French and in English,” he said.
Kevin also advised that students should stay open to try all kinds of journalism.
“It’s good to just… say yes to anything,” he said. “Because the more you can experience, the better you can see what part of journalism you like or you don’t like.”
“I think it’s really important to just go out of your comfort zone and try different things,” he added.
For more information about the Master of Journalism program and application, click here.