7 October 2013

JMSC Professor Completes Project on Censorship in China

New research at JMSC on the intersection of censorship and big data reveals that Chinese social media is an important source of real-time data on breaking events and social trends in China as well as what key words the government is using to censor the Internet.
16 September 2013

Social Media is a Boon to Censorship in China, Says JMSC Associate Professor

Social media allows censors in China to extend their reach farther than ever before, according to JMSC associate professor and media researcher Miklos Sukosd. “On the one hand, Chinese social media services, like Sina Weibo, […]
11 December 2012

Academic Predicts China’s Censors Will Loosen the Gag

China’s strict censorship of the media will ease somewhat under the incoming leadership, a journalism professor at Fudan University predicts. The Chinese government will adopt more liberal censorship policies because it has reached a level where it […]