29 October 2018

Eduard Fernández

MJ 2018, Eduard Fernández, Publishing Editor, Dow Jones Newswires, Barcelona

After years of working as a journalist in Asia, I felt I needed to strengthen my skills to move forward in my career path. JMSC courses helped me to finally be able to shoot and edit my own video stories, have a better grasp of all kind of multimedia online tools, and gain an expertise in financial journalism, a skill that has helped me find my current job as a reporter for a financial publication in Hong Kong.

22 October 2018

Suhas Bhat

MJ 2018, Suhas Bhat, Copywriter, Hill+Knowlton Strategies
The MJ programme has something for everyone. It is also a great learning environment under established practitioners for a diverse club of young journalists from around the world. In particular, I was amazed by the level of empathy on display among the faculty at Elliot Hall. It's a family.
9 October 2018

Venus Feng

MJ 2015, Venus Feng, Reporter, Bloomberg
Most of JMSC's courses require hand-on experience and help you understand new concepts or skills through exercises. Teachers will encourage you to try different tasks and develop your own interests in different news beats. I took three courses on finance and economy when I studied at JMSC, which has laid a solid foundation for my current career as a business reporter.
5 October 2018

Tamsyn Burgmann

MJ 2017, Tamsyn Burgmann, Editor; International Opinion, The New York Times

“Journalism, for me, is a calling and one the JMSC answered heartily. I got to pick the brains of our craft’s legends in Asia. Geek out with peers over news of global import. And nabbed work with the International New York Times. The master’s programme gave me the boost I needed to level up.”

5 October 2018

Ernest Chan

MJ 2017, Ernest Chan, Associate Editor, Ignites Asia

“The MJ programme represented a career switch for me after several years working in tech in Hong Kong. The experience brought me up to speed with some of the hard skills required in the field, but the main advantage of the programme was the opportunity to network and build relationships with experienced journalists, as well as fellow classmates who shared my enthusiasm for journalism.”

23 March 2016

James Chan

BJ 2013, Researcher, Politics and Public Administration department, The University of Hong Kong
'"Think global"—the best phrase to summarise my three-year experience on the Bachelor of Journalism programme at the JMSC. Immersed in an environment with international cohorts and faculty members, offered the opportunity to take part in world-class exchange programmes, connected to a wide-range of local and international internships, I learned the essence of journalism with a wide exposure to the globalised world.'
26 October 2015

Arshiya Khullar

MJ 2014, Editor, Global Publishing, McKinsey & Company
'As someone who was working as a journalist in New Delhi before joining the Master’s programme at The Journalism and Media Studies Centre, I entered the programme with the idea of strengthening my reporting skills and expanding my network in the region. I ended up leaving with much more. With experienced working journalists as faculty members and JMSC alumni in every major news organisation in Hong Kong, the programme helped me gain inroads into the competitive world of financial journalism.'
26 October 2015

Kevin Dharmawan

MJ 2014, Photo Editor, Asia Photo Desk, Bloomberg
'I joined the JMSC seeking to move into a career working with images. It wasn't the easiest path to take but I was confident that with my experience and with the JMSC laying out the foundations I would be in a good position. Following graduation from the programme, I joined the photo team at The International New York Times as an intern. Newsrooms are looking for specialists, but they also want someone who is well versed in a lot of things.'