JMSC Professor and Filmmaker Featured in SCMP Profile
14 March 2014JMSC Alum Publishes New Book on King Arthur’s Legends
26 March 2014Face-to-face with Academy-award winner Ruby Yang
The University of Hong Kong will host an event on Friday, April 25, to introduce new faculty member and Academy Award-winning documentary filmmaker Ruby Yang to the university community.
Yang recently became the university’s Hung Leung Hau Ling Distinguished Fellow in Humanities, and will be working out of the Journalism and Media Studies Centre.
As part of her fellowship, she will also be teaching a course on documentary video production and running the “Ruby Yang Workshop.” Both the documentary course and the workshop will be open to all HKU students.
Titled “Becoming American, Becoming Chinese: A Personal Journey Through San Francisco, Beijing and Hong Kong,” the April 25 event will include a film retrospective and montage of Yang’s films, including The Blood of Yingzhou District, which won an Oscar in 2007; and Citizen Hong Kong, an intimate account of HK people’s search for identity in the run-up to the territories’ return to China in 1997.
The retrospective will be followed by a talk by Yang, and a question-and-answer session with the audience moderated by the JMSC Director, Professor Ying Chan.
Date: Friday, April 25, 2014
Venue: Rayson Huang Theatre, HKU
Time: 6:00 to 7:30 pm
Reception: 5:30pm (by invitation only)
Registration is required.
Seats are limited. First-come, first-served.
All unused reserved seats will be released at 5:55 pm