MJ Presents Papers at Academic Conferences
31 May 2011MAP Course: Documentary Video Production for Beginners June 13-24
3 June 2011MAP Course: Using Social Media — “Critical Tools for the Social Web” June 15-17
Targeted at working journalists and others interested in developing a fundamental understanding of social media and social technologies, this course will offer participants an intensive introduction into the principles and techniques for developing ideas towards engaging audiences. It will also outline some of the lessons learned from current practices.
Schedule: June 15‐17, 2011 — 10 am‐1 pm
Venue: DM Lab, Eliot Hall
Course fee: $3,500 / $2,000 for HKU staff and students
Download Syllabus here
Register here.
Register with HKU staff and student rate here. (for enquiries or internal transfer, please contact Kylie Chan at kyliec@hku.hk / tel: 2219-4416)
Course Goal:
This course is intended to give you a broad‐based introduction to social media tools and concepts for engaging audiences in the current web environment.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the course, you should be able to:
- Understand and prepare for the changes in the Social Web. Deconstruct the software mechanics of Facebook, Twitter, Digg and Foursquare.
- Identify specific technologies for engaging in media creation or campaigns. Explore how one kid beat TVB in their online petition campaign.
- Explain how companies are utilizing new technologies. See how companies are using tools like Digg to create engaging online programs.
- Explore concepts in creating brands and franchises through audience engagement tools. Learn how companies maximizing their Facebook page and other social media channels.
Instructor: Kevin Lau Kai Wing / Diane Stormont
E‐mail: kevinlkw@hku.hk /diane@stormont.net
Phone: 2219‐4435