MAP Course: Using Social Media — “Critical Tools for the Social Web” June 15-17
3 June 2011June 9: Talk by Julian Assange’s Lawyer, Mark Stephens
3 June 2011MAP Course: Documentary Video Production for Beginners June 13-24
This hands-on course will introduce students to the basics of video making, including camera operation, sound recording and digital editing. By the end of the course, students will have produced a documentary under step-by-step guidance of the instructor.
Time: 10am – 2pm, 8 days in classroom; 2 days shooting on location
Course fee:$6,500 (includes equipment fee) / $4,000 for HKU staff and students
Download Syllabus here
Register here
Register withHKU staff and student rate here. (for enquiries or internal transfer, please contact Kylie Chan at or 22194416)
Nancy Tong, an award-winning documentary film maker, is renowned for the film “In the Name of the Emperor,” which won the Special Jury Award at the San Francisco International Film Festival in 1995. She has worked films such as “Who Killed Vincent Chin,” which was nominated for best documentary in The Academy Awards in 1989. See bio here.
Enquiries: Kylie Chan at 2219 4416 at