13 November 2013

“Ethnic Media” Specialist Says Entrepreneurial Spirit is Essential for Today’s Journalists

An award winning journalist and author offers students some career advice -- have an entrepreneurial mindset, become an expert and people will seek you out, and look for opportunities to work freelance or as a stringer for news organizations that are eliminating full-time overseas staff.
15 October 2013

Online Business Site “Quartz” Pushing New Journalism Model

A new online business website, "Quartz," has entered into an innovative collaborative arrangement with the JMSC, opening up possibilities for students. The company has introduced a new journalism model targeting the "digitally native." Its content and design reflect a changing readership that wants shorter articles with graphics and longer analytical pieces. And its reporters are given freer rein, responsible for content, headlines, and graphics.
22 February 2013

Social Media Helping to Lead the Way to Better Journalism

Social media and other technological advances are changing journalism dramatically and helping journalists tell deeper, more complex stories in ways that were not possible in the past, two veteran broadcasters for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation say. […]