(6 Nov) JMSC author talk: Willy Wo-Lap Lam
22 October 2019
(4 Dec) Master of Journalism 2020-21 Admissions Info Session
12 November 2019(27 Nov) Bachelor of Journalism Admissions Webinar

Find out what makes the Bachelor of Journalism programme at HKU so unique, and how it can prepare you for a wide variety of careers in today’s information-dense digital age. This 45-minute interactive webinar will allow you to hear from professors and current students, and ask them questions in a live chat room. The chat room will also feature instant polls, so we can get to know more about what you expect from your college experience.
Date: Wednesday, 27 November 2019 (New date)
Time: 5:00pm
Register here by noon on 27 November.
We will send you the link for the webinar after the registration deadline. Please remember to check your email after 12pm on 18 November.
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to contact Ms. Wylie Cheung by email at jmscbj@hku.hk.