JMSC alumni carve out career in social media
16 April 2015
後大V時代中國大陸的公共言論空間 – Life After the “Big V’s”: Space for Public Expression in China
20 April 2015

Asia’s First Chinese Interactive News Awards Open for Application, the online portal of Lianhe Zaobao in Singapore, launched on May 4th the inaugural International Chinese Interactive News Awards 2015, the first of its kind in Asia. The Awards aims to encourage media professionals and journalism students to hone and showcase their skills in news reporting and interactive media presentation.

Lianhe Zaobao, in collaboration with journalism schools and academic institutions of Hong Kong and China, organized this awards to provide a platform for online journalism professionals and students of related disciplines to showcase their creativity, web skills and journalistic ideals.

The Awards are organised by Co-organizers include Fudan University’s Journalism School, Tsinghua University’s Journalism and Communication School, Sun Yat-Sen University’s Communication and Design School and The University of Hong Kong’s Journalism and Media Studies Centre. The Awards is supported by the Chinese Association for History of Journalism and Mass Communication.

The panel of judges for the Awards include media professionals and academics. Their experience and knowledge will ensure that deserving winners of the awards will meet the highest journalism, editorial and interactive design standards.

The prizes for our winners are worth over HKD$50,000 in total. The top honour is the Best Online Interactive News award. Awards for the other categories include Best Original Interactive News, Most Promising Interactive News, Most Creative Interactive News, Best Interactive News Design and Most Popular Interactive News.

How to Participate:

Entries are divided into two categories: Media and Originals.
You can participate as an individual or as a team of no more than three.
The entry content can be your own original news story, topic story or feature, or a re-presentation of existing news pieces. However the news story must be done based on news facts.

The presentation should combine multiple elements to achieve interactivity. The presentations should be showable on the web, mobile communication devices or computers.

Participants can submit their entries via an online form by 30 June 2015. The awards ceremony will be held in Beijing on 28 July. Entry requirements and standards can be found in the official website.





因 應新媒體時代,新聞行業在繼續秉持新聞專業的同時,也力求為讀者提供精彩的互動式閱讀體驗。為展示華文網絡新聞的最新發展,新加坡聯合早報網與中國內地和 香港多所著名大學新聞傳播學院及學術機構聯合舉辦“全球華文網絡互動新聞大賽 2015”,為網絡新聞的從業者、相關專業的學子提供一個展示創意、網絡技術與新聞理念結合的平台。


大賽設立了最佳互動新聞獎、最佳原創互動新聞獎、互動新聞制作最具潛能獎、最佳互動新聞創意獎、最佳互動新聞設計獎、最具人氣獎等多個獎項。 頒獎典禮將於2015年7月28日於北京舉行。







interactive news awards poster