Jan 5: Talk – Mobile Media Practice in the Digital Age
1 January 2013
Diary of an Intern at Phuketwan in Thailand
7 January 2013New Phone and Office Numbers for JMSC

JMSC Faculty and Staff moved into new offices over winter break.
JMSC faculty and staff changed office and phone numbers over the winter break.
The move is part of the three-year long project to create a permanent home for the JMSC by turning historic Eliot Hall into a state of the art multi-media learning centre where students are trained to become leaders and innovators in the rapidly changing, technology-driven world of modern journalism.
Phase One of the renovation has been completed and Phase Two is well under way.
To contact the JMSC please use one of the frequently used hotlines below:
Journalism and Media Studies Centre
Eliot Hall, The University of Hong Kong
Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
General Office:
Phone: (852) 3917-1155 / Fax: 2858-8736 / Room 121
E-mail: jmsc@hku.hk
Undergraduate programme enquiries:
Wylie Cheung
Phone: (852) 3917-1156 / Room 117
E-mail: wyliec@hku.hk
Postgraduate programme enquiries:
Jason Hui
Phone: (852) 3917-4113 / Room 119
E-mail: tyhui@hku.hk
Additional contacts may be found here.