Scholarships Open for Master of Journalism Applicants
16 January 2024
Open for Application: Master of Journalism – Documentary Filmmaking Specialisation
9 February 2024In Conversation with Chizuko Ueno: What do women face in an aging society with low fertility? — Japanese women’s experience 對話上野千鶴子:在少子老齡化社會中,女性將面臨什麽?—— 從日本女性經歷談起

In Conversation with Chizuko Ueno:
What do women face in an aging society with low fertility?
— Japanese women’s experience
Chizuko Ueno is a Japanese sociologist and emeritus professor at the University of Tokyo, one of the leading scholars on gender study, feminism, and family. Professor Chizuko Ueno’s inspiring, groundbreaking, and inclusive theory has inspired a wide range of people in Asia. Join us and celebrate International Women’s Day, on March 8th, 2024.
Keynote speaker: Professor Chizuko Ueno
Dialogue guest: Feng Yuan (A women’s rights advocate and the co-founder of Equality, a Beijing-based NGO)
- Date and time: 10 am, March 8, 2024 (Hong Kong Time)
- Venue: Online (Zoom Webinar)
- Language: English (Main); Japanese (Simultaneous interpretation from Japanese to English will be provided.)
*Registration is now closed. We will be sharing highlights and recaps on our social media shortly after the event. Follow us on our Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, X or WeChat and stay tuned.
Should you have any enquiries, please contact jmsccoms@hku.hk.
Organizer: Journalism and Media Studies Centre, The University of Hong Kong
—— 從日本女性經歷談起
- *活動將於Zoom綫上舉行
- 時間:2024年3月8日(五)10:00(香港時間)
- 語言:英文、日文(提供單向日英同聲傳譯)
活動查詢請email至 jmsccoms@hku.hk