Phnom Penh Post internship: dust, border disputes and acid attacks
21 December 2009Family life in the Hong Kong Media
24 December 2009JMSC Teaching Staff
The JMSC welcomes back Thomas Abraham – and four members of staff for the Spring Semester.
Thomas Abraham is Director of the Public Health Media Project at HKU and Assistant Professor at the JMSC. He has just returned from working as Team Leader (News) at the Director General’s Office at the World Health Organisation in Geneva. Fresh from the experience and full of ideas, he will teach the MJ course Reporting Health and Medicine.
JMSC Research Assistant Professor, Dr Fu King Wa, will teach the BJ Quantitative Media Research Methods course. He will also co-teach Media Research: Concepts and Methods with Associate Professor, Miklos Sukosd. With a PhD from the JMSC, as a former journalist at the Hong Kong Economic Journal, and as a prior editor of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention at HKU, Fu will impart his wealth of knowlege of media research methods.
The JMSC welcomes its first Journalist-in-Residence, Christian Caryl. A Senior Fellow at the Center for International Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a regular contributor to The New York Review of Books, he will be sharing his vast experience to teach ‘Critical Writing about the Arts’.
The JMSC also welcomes two full time teaching consultants:
Jeff Timmermans will teach BJs News Reporting and Writing Workshop and ‘Economics for Journalists’. He brings to bear his experience as a reporter in Tokyo for The Wall Street Journal and as a managing editor for Dow Jones Newswires in Hong Kong and Singapore.
Masato Kajimoto will take the BJ course New Media Workshop, applying his experience as a web producer for CNN, plus executor of many multi-media projects integrating broadcast and internet technologies. His students will be producing multimedia content for the World City project led by the Knight Center for International Media along with other journalism students around the world. The project’s website will be live soon.