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23 November 2009Nov 26 – Film-maker Nancy Tong to Speak on Documentaries and Global Identities
Veteran documentary film-maker Nancy Tong, visiting associate professor at the JMSC, will be one of three speakers presenting at a workshop called Crossing Borders/Traveling the World: Documentaries and Global Identities, on November 26.
The workshop is organised by the Department of Comparative Literature at HKU.
She will discuss the power of media, as empowering tool for those whose voice had been ignored. She will describe her 2007-2008 travels to China, Pakistan, Indonesia and Iran to train Muslim women to use video to document events that are important to their communities.
She will share her experience and show two short documentaries created by the women themselves.
Nancy Tong has been producing documentaries for 30 years. Her current projects include teaching media production to Muslim women in China, Pakistan, and Indonesia; ten short documentaries for the Museum of Chinese in America in New York City; and a documentary on a reconstruction project in the Forbidden City of Beijing for The China Heritage Fund.
The workshop will be held from 4 pm to 7 pm in room MB 205 (Main Building), at The University of Hong Kong. For more information, please contact Fanny Chan at of the Department of Comparative Literature, HKU.